The complications

The scene played out before Esme like a cruel, silent movie. Her mind was blank as she watched Silas, the man she had poured her heart out to, treating another woman with a tenderness. It was clear that the woman mattered to him deeply. A profound ache settled in her chest as she struggled to comprehend the betrayal unfolding before her eyes.

She couldn't help but wonder who that woman was that Silas cared about so much. 

Silas and the woman exchanged a hushed conversation that Esme was desperately excluded from.

Meanwhile, both Silas and the woman looked at her. 

"She is…" The woman tried to say something, but Silas silenced her.

"Don't worry. I can handle it." Silas held her hand and walked out of the house. 

Esme crumpled the fabric of her dress, tears blurring her vision.