The resignation

The next day… 

A sharp rap-rap-rap echoed on Silas' office door.

His heart quickened with anticipation, knowing it was Esme at the door. When he entered the office, he saw how coldly she had greeted him. He knew she was upset and braced himself for the conversation he knew was inevitable. 

A knot of anticipation tightened in his stomach as he called out, "Come in."

The door creaked open, revealing Esme's composed but resolute face. Silas took in her rigid posture, the way she held herself tightly reined, and a coldness settled in the room.

"Esme," he started, but she cut him off.

"This is my resignation." Her voice was laced with a steely glint that mirrored the coldness in her eyes. She placed the letter on his desk before he could utter another word.