The crazy night

Esme wriggled violently to break free, but his hold was too tight. As his kiss grew fiercer, her struggle weakened. Despite her initial determination to push him away, the intoxicating heat of his proximity and the fervent passion of his kiss ignited a smoldering desire within her, overwhelming her senses. The anger that had fueled her earlier began to melt away, replaced by a simmering heat of her own.

With each lingering kiss, her resolve crumbled further, her body instinctively responding to the magnetic pull of his touch. The fight drained from her, replaced by a yearning that mirrored his own.

Silas, sensing the shift, pulled back slightly, a triumphant glint in his eyes. With renewed enthusiasm, he kissed her again.

Their lips were locked as they retreated into the bedroom. Clothes became tangled casualties on the floor as they tumbled onto the bed. There, in the tangled sheets, their bodies melded together.