The kidnapping (Part-1)

The hospital corridor seemed to shrink in on itself as Bruno's rage radiated palpably. Lara stood there before him with a mixture of apprehension and hurt etched across her features in the face of his rage.

"What are you doing here?" Bruno's voice dripped with venom, barely restrained fury seeping through every syllable. "Go away, Lara. I don't want to see your face."

Lara's heart clenched at his harsh words, her resolve wavering in the face of his blistering anger. "I came to see your father. I won't take long, please," she pleaded. 

But Bruno's resentment refused to be quelled. "Are you not satisfied yet?" His features contorted with rage. "Because of you, he is in this state. Do you want to kill him now?"

"Bruno!" Lara's eyes welled with tears at the cruelty of his words, her heart aching with the pain of his rejection. 

"Your father will not like you to be here. So, please, Miss Smith, leave," he demanded, his tone cold and unyielding.