Victoria’s warning

Victoria's voice dripped with accusation as she declared, "She is daydreaming that she can become a part of the Sullivans." Her perfectly manicured hand gestured dismissively. "I warned her to stay away from Silas, but she clings to him like a shadow. Silas's marriage with Lara is almost fixed. Esme needs to stay away from my son and stop causing problems between them."

Julian knew the Sullivans would never accept Esme as Silas's wife. But he was also aware of Esme's feelings for Silas.

She loved that Playboy. This notion ignited the familiar frustration within him. But causing problems for Lara? He couldn't believe it.

"Mrs. Sullivan," Julian began, his voice carefully neutral, "you approached the wrong person. Esme and I had nothing to do with each other. We parted ways with a mutual understanding to stay out of each other's lives. If you're truly concerned, perhaps you should speak with your son and ensure his focus remains on Miss Smith."