Silas risked his life for Esme.

"Wait!" Esme ripped her hand free from Caleb's grasp. She stood firmly, refusing to leave. "Why did she say Silas risked himself for me twice? What are you hiding?"

Caleb's shoulders slumped in defeat. "I'll tell you everything," he conceded with a weary sigh. "But first, let me take you home."

Esme's jaw clenched. "I'm not going anywhere," she stated adamantly. "Silas needs me. He'll be looking for me when he wakes up."

"Esme, please try to understand," Caleb reasoned. "Mrs. Sullivan is furious right now. It wouldn't be wise for you to stay here. Go home, and get some rest. I'll keep you updated on his condition."

A choked sob escaped Esme's lips. "Silas threw himself in front of the attack to save me," she sniveled. "How can I go home and rest? Please, Caleb, let me stay. I promise I won't cause any trouble. I'll stay out of Mrs. Sullivan's way."