This is madness.

"What? This is madness." Lara's face contorted in a mask of horror and disbelief. "What are you saying?" she shrieked. "You're accusing your own parents? And my father? How can you make such accusations without a shred of evidence?"

Silas's lips curled into a malicious sneer. "Oh, sweetheart, don't worry. The truth will be unearthed soon enough."

"You're insane!" Lara hissed, her whole body trembling with fury. "You have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Huh…" A humorless snort escaped Silas. He reached for his phone and played a recording. The car's interior filled with the unmistakable voice of Ruby confessing.

"Please, Mr. Sullivan, trust me. I'm just a pawn in this game. There's someone behind all this, someone who wants Esme dead."