The heart attack

The room was bathed in the soft glow of the bedside lamp. Silas, his chest rising and falling gently, held Esme close as they surrendered themselves to the quiet rhythm of sleep. Then, the insistent buzzing of his phone shattered the peace. He fumbled for it on the nightstand, his eyes blinking open with a groan. His mother's name on the screen surprised him.

"Mom!" he rasped. He was perplexed as to why she was calling him. He sat up, his voice hoarse as he answered the phone, "Hey, Mom? Is everything alright?"

The reply was a choked sob. Victoria's helpless cry sent a wave of icy dread through Silas. "Silas! Your father…" Her helpless sobs filled his ears, increasing his apprehension.

"What happened to Dad?" he exclaimed impatiently. "Is he okay?"

"No… no, he's not," Victoria sniffled, her voice breaking. "He… he had a heart attack. Come to City Hospital quickly."