The truth is finally revealed.

Dusk had settled when Victoria arrived at the hospital. The sight of Ewan, pale and tethered to an oxygen mask, cracked her facade. Tears welled as she neared the bed, her trembling fingers reaching out to touch his hand.

"Ewan," she choked out, a sob escaping her throat. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have kept secrets."

Her touch and hushed words roused him. Slowly, Ewan cracked open his eyes.

"You are awake," she whispered, wiping her tears hastily. "Are you feeling any discomfort? Shall I call the doctor?"

"Victoria," Ewan rasped, his voice weak and his grip on her hand loose. His eyes were gentle, unlike the sharp look he had last night.

"I am here. I am just by your side." She assured him, lacing their fingers together and stroking his forehead. "Just rest. Don't worry about talking."