Accusation of betrayal

The rhythmic whoosh of the car sliced through the tense silence. Esme stared out the window, her fingers interlacing on her lap. Julian glanced at her from time to time as he drove the car. The silence was oppressive, and he desperately wanted to start a conversation.

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, he spoke. "I am going home. I quit my job."

Esme swiveled her head towards him, surprise flickering in her eyes. Though she remained composed, her mind churned. This was his dream job, a stepping stone to a coveted career path in the city. Why on earth would he throw it all away?

"Are you not coming back?" she asked, curiosity battling with a strange sense of disquiet.

He offered a single, defeated shake of his head. "No," he murmured, a sigh escaping his lips. "I decided to look after my family business. My father is getting old. He needs me."