A fake marriage

Overwhelmed by emotion, Esme retreated to her bedroom. She was afraid Adelynn would arrive at any time and see her crying. She wouldn't let her know about the arguments between her and Silas. Sobs wracked her frame as she attempted to compose herself.

Suddenly, a violent spell of nausea seized her, sending her rushing into the bathroom. Bent double over the toilet bowl, she emptied the contents of her stomach. Shaking and gasping for breath, she remained hunched beside the porcelain throne, leaning wearily against the cool tile walls.

Her body felt like it had been wrung through a rag. She couldn't understand why she was feeling sick.

An unsettling possibility wormed its way into her troubled thoughts.

'Am I pregnant?'

She had indeed missed her period last month and it had not arrived this month either. Panic surged within her veins at the mere consideration.

How could that be possible?