I don't love you anymore.

Esme was dizzy. Her vision swam from the force of his kiss, terror blooming in her chest as his touch became too invasive. She was afraid he would hurt her baby.

"Let go of me." With a surge of adrenaline, she shoved him back. She gasped for air, meeting his bewildered gaze with a steely resolve. "I don't love you anymore," she choked out.

Silas's composure crumpled. His hand flew to his chest as if to mend a fractured heart. Disbelief mingled with a raw ache in his eyes. "What did you say?" he rasped heavily with the weight of shattered hopes.

"The moment you chose to marry Lara, you killed our love," she rebuffed. "You pushed me away. Don't waltz back in now, expecting things to pick up where we left off. I don't want to be labeled as a homewrecker."

"Homewrecker! What are you talking about? Listen up; the whole thing is just..." Silas began, desperation lacing his voice.