We can't be together.

Esme's breath caught in her throat as Adelynn's question caught her completely off guard. A strangled cry escaped her lips. "He is already married." Her features contorted into a mask of mingled annoyance and pain.

"But Esme, he loves you," Adelynn countered. "He—"

"Adel! Are you my friend, or his?" Esme interrupted abruptly, her heart a tangled mess. "He threw away everything we had and married someone else! You should be on my side, not defending him."

A sense of betrayal pressed down on Esme. How could her best friend even suggest she give Silas another chance? That man had disregarded the bond they had built and married another woman, leaving her heartbroken and alone. Esme couldn't forgive him.

"I am hanging up if you are going to talk about him."