Is she dead?

Shocked and terrified, Caleb froze in his tracks, the haze of alcohol evaporating in an instant. The world swam violently before his eyes at the sight of a blood puddle around Adelynn. Panic surged through him, stealing the feeling from his limbs. A single, chilling question echoed in his mind: 'Is she dead?'

"No, no, no," Caleb mumbled. Adrenaline kicked in, propelling him towards her. "Adelynn!" he screamed, his voice cracking with terror. He sank to his knees, cradling her limp body. His hands trembled as he brushed her hair back, searching for any sign of life. "Help!" he bellowed. "Someone, please help."

Sirens wailed in the distance. An ambulance arrived with agonizing speed, its doors flying open. Adelynn was whisked away.