Time to move on.

Silas's brows furrowed as he absorbed the information, disbelief flickering across his features. When his gaze landed back on Esme, he composed himself with practiced ease.

"You should go home now," he said, betraying no hint of the underlying tension.

Holding her hand, he led her out of the hospital and to the parking lot. Ushering her into the car, he leaned over to her and buckled up her seatbelt. His gaze was tender, loaded with affection that almost took Esme's breath away.

"I have some urgent matters to handle," he said huskily. "The driver will take you home." He pressed his lips on her forehead, his touch sending ripples of sensations throughout her body.

Esme closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the sudden intimacy. "Wait for me," Silas murmured. "I'll try to get back home early."