You don't deserve the title of husband or father.

At downtown apartment…

A triumphant grin stretched across David's face as he surveyed the opulent apartment. Greed flickered in his eyes. This was the life he had always craved, and finally, it was within his grasp. His so-called son, a product of a past he had barely known, was bankrolling his lavish new lifestyle.

With a predatory glint, he ran his hands along the plush sofa, savoring the texture. Each touch of the finely crafted furniture sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine.

"I am finally going to live the life I always desired," he declared with a sense of vindication. "My son will give me everything I like." He sagged on the sofa with a sense of contentment. "Everything here is mine. I can buy anything I want."

He sprawled back, arms outstretched like a conquering king. This was his castle, a world where his every whim would be catered to with a snap of his fingers.