Lara’s plea

Ewan's cold demeanor chilled Colton's blood. His callous words echoed in the room, each syllable a shard of ice piercing Colton's already fragile hope. The man he had known – kind, friendly, supportive – had vanished. In his place sat a creature from a nightmare, a chilling entity that threatened to devour him whole.

Colton's heart pounded in his chest. He felt a mix of fear, anger, and desperation. "And what exactly does your revenge entail?"

"First, you undergo the surgery," Ewan stated matter-of-factly. "If you die, I'll take over the Smith Corporation. But if you survive the surgery, I'll return it to your daughter in five years. Though, a significant share will always remain with the Sullivans."

His tone turned colder as he continued, "Death is an easy punishment for you, Colton. You should live to make amends and feel the pain of losing something valuable every moment of your life."