Chaotic press conference

A feeding frenzy of reporters swarmed the Sullivan Group headquarters. Lara had arrived early, prepared to face the media firestorm. Silas, however, was conspicuously absent. As the reporters waited, they whispered among themselves, casting sympathetic glances at Lara, who they assumed was the wronged wife.

The chatter ceased abruptly the moment Silas strode into the room. Confidence oozed from his every pore as his sharp gaze scanned the assembled throng.

What transcended expectations, however, was Lara's next move. As Silas walked up to the podium, she stood up and greeted him, a genuine smile gracing her lips. A ripple of surprise washed through the room.

"What is going on? Isn't she supposed to be furious?"

"She doesn't seem hostile toward him."

"Strange indeed," another muttered. "Doesn't she care her husband has been caught canoodling with another woman?"

"Who knows what is going on?"

"Everything will be cleared soon. Let's wait."