David is dead?

Ewan exited the ward, his face etched with worry. He ran into Felix, who stood waiting with an uncharacteristically grim expression.

"Felix, things are not going as we thought," he said solemnly. "Silas doesn't believe our narrative. He believes that David is still alive, and he is determined to find him. We can't let him know the truth. We need to find a way to solidify this story, to convince him it's truly over."

Felix nodded. He understood Ewan's fear. "I'll arrange something. But there is a matter I need to talk to you about."

His face grew even more serious. He had been wanting to tell him about Colton's surgery, but the recent kidnapping ordeal had pushed it to the back burner.

"What happened, Felix?" Ewan asked, wondering what more had transpired.

"It's about Colton," Felix revealed. "It's about his surgery... The doctor found bleeding in his brain and suggested immediate surgery. The procedure was successful, but..."