Unable to let go of the past.

The smile that had been plastered on Daphne's face evaporated as quickly as Esme and Silas disappeared around the corner. Her fists clenched at her sides, the cheerful facade crumbling under a wave of anger. She couldn't tear her eyes away from Julian, whose gaze remained fixed on Esme's retreating figure.

Esme's disinterest was evident. Julian's feelings didn't matter to her. Instead, she had exaggeratedly flaunted her love for Silas, only to hurt Julian even more.

Fury burned hot in Daphne's chest – fury at Esme for her perceived cruelty and fury at Julian for still clinging to the past.

Daphne hated Esme for hurting Julian again and again. What hurt her the most was Julian's reaction. Even though Esme had moved on in her life, he still held his feelings for Esme tightly in his heart, refusing to move on.

"Julian!" she hissed, yanking on his arm, demanding his attention.