Hidden conspiracy

"Hello, Miss Smith!"

Lara jolted back to the present as Emma's cheerful greeting echoed through the office. A forced smile stretched across her face. "Hello, Emma. How are you doing? Is your boss troubling you?" she teased.

Emma chuckled. "No, he has been much more considerate lately. Seemed to gain a whole new level of politeness after his wedding."

"I see!" Lara grinned, her gaze flickering to the unfamiliar woman settling in at the desk beside Emma's. "Ah, so Silas found a replacement for Esme."

"Yes, this is Daisy," Emma replied, gesturing towards the newcomer. "She seems nice and polite."

"That's good," Lara said. "You have someone to share the workload with. And hey, sorry about the delay with your meeting. You should be good to head in now."

"Thank you, Miss Smith," Emma chirped. "Have a nice day." With a final glance at Lara, she disappeared into Silas's cabin.