Complicated past

A tense silence had descended upon the car. Julian spun around in his seat, his gaze burning with fury as he confronted Daphne. "What was that, Daphne? When did I humiliate you?"

"You don't remember?" she countered, the taste of bile rising in her throat. "You yelled at me in front of Esme. Was that not humiliating?"

"Listen up, Daphne." Julian held up a hand. "Esme is pregnant. Stress is not good for her. Why did you have to say those things in front of her?"

"Did I say something wrong?" Daphne retorted, her defiance rising. "I was only trying to warn her. Is that a crime?"

Julian let out a frustrated hiss, weariness etching lines on his face. "Your intentions might be good, but the timing was terrible. Silas is not with Esme right now; he is away on a trip. Your words can cause conflicts between them."

"Really?" Daphne shot back, a sharp edge creeping into her voice. "You're so concerned about Esme's well-being. Do you ever think about me?"