The woman from the bar.

Silas sank back onto the plush hotel bed, the encounter with Maya leaving a bitter aftertaste in his mouth. Annoyance gnawed at him relentlessly.

The woman's audacity, her shameless advances, sent a jolt of anger through him. But what truly bothered him was the momentary flicker of attraction, the way her beauty had momentarily captivated him.

Self-loathing coiled in his gut; how could he have even let his gaze linger on another woman, especially when his heart belonged to Esme?


A heavy and suffocating wave of guilt washed over him. The image of his radiant and pregnant wife filled his mind. He reached for his phone and dialed her number, a nervous tremor ran through him.

Each ring echoed in the silence of the room, his foot tapping a frantic rhythm against the floor. Finally, the wait ended, and Esme's sweet voice filled his ear.

"You're finally free!"

Silas's heart skipped a beat. A lump formed in his throat, stealing his voice.