The confrontation

"Esme!" Relief and concern warred as he rushed towards Esme, eager to hug her. But he paused, his gaze moving to Scarlet. Her pale complexion and disheveled clothes sent a fresh wave of worry through him. "What is going on? Why are you like this?"

"It's nothing, Julian," Esme replied flatly. She was a bit upset with him. When she needed him, he didn't show up. He hadn't replied to her calls, and above all, he had kept his phone off so she couldn't reach him.

Esme had already made up her mind not to disturb him anymore.

"Just a small accident," she added, hoping to downplay the situation. "The doctor said there's nothing serious."

"I… I didn't know about what happened to your father," Julian stammered, his guilt bubbling to the surface. "I only heard about it this morning and rushed straight here."