Chapter 1

It was the usual night time life of Gotham city prostitutes stood on the curb side waiting for clients while down the dark alleyways eyes peered out waiting for their next victims to walk by. "I just had to stay back at work for a little bit extra" Esra mumbled to herself as she quickly turned around a corner trying to escape the leering eyes of the strange looking men. Her dark brown hair blew gently in the cold breeze while she pulled her jacket tightly trying to shield herself from the icy wind. The strange group of men who had been eyeing her up earlier were now slowly stalking behind her as they waited for the opportune moment to strike.

Stepping out onto the main street which lead to her home she looked around to find not a single person in sight, reaching into her handbag she was holding her fingers wrapped tightly around a glock she carried, not that Esra had ever fired a gun in her life nor was hoping to but it was simply there for intimidation purposes. "Well, well what do we have here a lovely broad all alone in the street with not a single soul in sight" a man's voice called out from behind her as Esra turned around to see three burly men standing at the start of the street crowbars in hands and guns at their waist.

They skulked towards her grinning as they eyed up the prize they managed to snare, "Don t come any closer" Esra yelled out pulling the gun free and pointing it straight at them. Their reaction was one she had not hoped for though as they all howled with laughter un phased by the weapon being pointed at them "Now missy put that little trinket away before you hurt someone namely yourself" . Pulling the hair trigger back the gun clicked into place as a bullet was loaded into the chamber and her finger slowly clamped down on the trigger as this action seemed to cause her attackers to stop for a moment. That split second was all the time she needed, turning quickly back around she ran for her life straight towards her house which was only five doors down.

The men upon realising she had escaped their grasp quickly pulled out their pistols the loud bang of a round being let off echoed through the deserted street. A tiny shard of metal raced by Esra's ear narrowly missing as it caressed her hair causing it sway gently as she stopped running dead in her tracks dropping the gun as well. "That's a good girl finally realised we aren't playing around, now that little escape trick is going to cost you extra" one of the men said snatching her hand bag as he rummaged through it throwing items he deemed useless of value onto the pavement below. The remaining two stood watching Esra guns pointed straight at her their eyes hungrily looking her up and down as one slowly edged towards her placing a giant hand on her shoulder as he nudged in closer "You know I'll skip on the money and maybe take something a little bit extra". Sniffing up her neck his hand gave her butt a little pat as he chuckled and went to move his hand higher only for Esra's high heel to dig into his foot as he leapt back hoping and howling in pain "Grr that hurt you whore" he snarled pulling out a knife and lunging at Esra who side stepped the attack grabbing his wrist and twisting back as he dropped the weapon. Bringing her leg around she kicked him square across the jaw as he dropped to the ground whimpering, the other man let loose a shot which Esra ducked under and leapt forward grabbing the man s hand and easily disarming him before her fist caught his nose as he staggered back clutching at it blood trickling down his fingers. Not done with her attacker another punch hit him square in the sternum knocking the wind from him.

"Hey what's all the commotion going on" the last man said looking up from his looting to see his two associates lying face down on the ground, dropping Esra's bag he pointed the gun up as she went to run forward and disarm him but was a second slow as the barrel was pointed straight at her head "Hah gave me a surprise missy but now it s the end of the line". Closing her eyes Esra waited for the loud bang of the gun and the cold chilling embrace of death but instead she heard the man scream as a shot was fired and she winced expecting to feel pain or anything, after a few moments she slowly opened her eyes to find the man sprawled at her feet out cold the gun knocked from his lifeless body as a huge shadowy figure loomed behind her. Spinning around her foot lashed out at the shadowy figure as he easily caught the blow and threw her back before speaking in a deep husky tone "You know for a woman you definitely pack a punch" .

Stepping out from the shadows the man came into view under the dimly lit street lamp, the costume he wore would strike fear into even the most hardened criminal. He wore a black mask that covered the top half of his face down to his nose while at the top there two spiked points like a demons horn or dogs ears pricked up, black leather like body armour covered his torso, arms and legs while a bat symbol was placed in the middle of his chest. His gloves had five spikes extending from the bottom while a utility belt held up his pants a long flowing black cape hung from his back flapping in the wind. To evil doers everywhere this man struck fear into their very core and normally innocent civilians were terrified of the giant black bat so he was usually used to a reaction of sheer horror and then the person fleeing and screaming without thanking him at all, but this woman was different instead she had a look he had not seen in a long time and that was

"You.. you... you re" she stammered as he decided to finish her sentence for her "Yes I'm Batman" he spoke in the dark gruff tone of his while a huge smile spread across Esra s face as she leapt forward and hugged him "I'm just checking to make sure you're real and I'm not dreaming". He chuckled as she stepped back slightly embarrassed by her outburst "Oh yes I'm definitely real and you would be the first person ever to hug me instead of screaming and fleeing most are scared by my appearance" "Oh I'm not scared by your appearance one bit I'm like your most favourite fan, I just love the work you do". Batman seemed a bit taken aback by this woman's adoration of him and for once was lost for words "Well I'm flattered to know at least one person appreciates my work, most of the time its criticism and abuse from everyone police, judges, and random people on the streets". Just as he was about to dash off into the night he stopped and turned back around pulling out a batarang and tossing it into the air to Esra "Here a little souvenir from our encounter and a present for being my number 1 fan" and with that he pulled his cape over his face and dashed off into the shadows as Esra cradled the weapon to her chest giggling like a giddy school girl.

Bursting through the front door of her apartment she placed the batarang on her kitchen table before pinching herself to see if she wasn't dreaming "I met Batman THE Batman and he gave me a present as well OMG this is the best day of my life" she yelled picking up her cat from the ground and twirling it around through the air. The whole traumatic event of the men trying to mug her completely left her mind now while thoughts of Batman rang fresh through her mind.

Laying down on the couch still holding the bat ring she turned on the news to find more stories about robberies, murder and muggings the usual and then on came the special bulletin the news decided to invent revolving around all the deeds Batman has done and the public s opinion of him. This show had only recently aired about a few months back and ever since it came to air Esra made sure not to miss a single episode to hear all about his new deeds and what villain he had brought to justice today.