Chapter 8

2 months later

So life continued as it was for Esra working job at Wayne Enterprise's by day and coming home to her cats at night but there was one different thing now, Batman and her were going on a fair few night time dates now when he wasn't busy fighting crime they had discussed if perhaps Bruce should reveal he was dating Esra as well but figured the publicity wouldn't do well so while they were both at work it was simply boss and employee with Bruce's occasional flirting to keep in character.

Ever since Esra had found out Batman's secret she had viewed him in a completely new light even Bruce when she saw him at work. She now knew that he was acting whenever he would be Bruce Wayne but also the fact she knew what good he was doing during the day and night made her love him just that even bit more.

It was on the 5th date that Batman decided to tell his back story to Esra, she had already known about his parents death and everything behind it but still to hear it from the man himself made her feel that much closer to him. She didn't even mind all the secrecy and dating in the shadows just as long as she was with Batman that was all that mattered to her.

On a particularly cold and windy night she was scaling up the ladder to meet Batman for what he said was something very important she couldn't miss. "I wonder what he wants" she said jumping up onto the roof to find a candle lights at a table and food waiting for her while he stood next to the table waiting for her. "Well haven't you gone all out for little old me" she said as he pulled out her chair and took a seat next to her "What's supposed to happen if the police need the bat signal" "Well I didn't think of that so hopefully they won't have to, the food was cooked courtesy of the 5 start restaurant I took you to before and I even managed to get the entire chocolate dessert tray for you" he said pulling forward the metal cart "Oh you know me to well". Just then his face suddenly went serious "There's something I need to talk to you about" "Oh god is he going to break up with me" Esra thought suddenly as her heart started to beat faster and she tried not to enter into a panic attack, just then he went down on one knee and all the wind completely left Esra and she felt like she was about to faint "Will you marry me as well Batman not Bruce" "OF COURSE I WILL" she yelled not caring if the police heard and embraced the shadowy knight giving him a kiss underneath that metal helmet of his.

"Now about the ceremony we'll have it at a nice quiet church, I know a priest who will keep everything hush hush and you're welcome to invite your friends since I know most of them already know about us but not too many remember it's a private wedding". Esra only heard half of what he said as she was too excited to even think clearly "What was she going to wear, how everything was going to be planned" there was just so much to do. "So who are you going to invite to the wedding then?" she asked realising her side would have a few people but what would his side have "Well I figured Alfred and Lucius would do since they're the only two that know about my secret".