Chapter 10

The ceremony went without a hitch they exchanged their vows and everything was spoken right up until it was time to place the rings on their fingers there came a huge crash from the door and thugs wearing clown masks walked into the room armed with tommy guns as a sinister laughter could be heard from the doorway. "Why here's a day I never thought I'd see the Bat getting married but why wasn't I invited that hurt", stepping through the door was a clown that could put nightmares into any children's dreams he wore a purple suit with a green vest underneath and a black tie but it was the face that would scare people it was completely bleach white with a huge red lipstick like smile plastered across it and sinister looking green eyes, his hair was green as well and completely matted and messy.

"Joker how the hell did you hear about my wedding" Batman said standing in front of Esra while he simply waggled his finger "Now my batty boy I have ways of finding various pieces of information out but the question is why didn't you invite me this wedding is so serious it needs a touch of my comical effect don't you agree boys" he walked down the aisle with his thugs following closely behind "Now let's get a look at the beautiful young bride who captured this dark knights heart" as he went to move past Batman the dark knight moved in front pushing him back as the thugs raised their guns. "It's alright" Esra said putting a hand on Batman's shoulder and stepping into view for the Joker who gasped "My goodness she's gorgeous no wonder you managed to snag the Bat I mean look at you I'm jealous" "You're not the only one" a voice came from the doorway as a woman claded completely in leather and wielding a whip walked through the aisle "Oh god not Catwoman as well" Batman said placing a hand to his head.

"So this is the woman who stole you away from me humph not bad if I do say so but maybe after I leave a few scratches on that pretty face he'll come back to me" "Don't you harm a hair on her head or you'll regret it" Batman said as Catwoman laughed "Oh you mean like this" she said reaching forward to pluck a hair from Esra's face only for a fist to connect with her sending the woman crashing across the church into a pile of wooden seats "I didn't say I'd make you regret it I meant she would" he said grinning as Esra stood over the fallen woman a look of anger across her face "Bitch just for ruining my wedding day I'm going to leave you in a world of pain" "Yeah right dream on" Catwoman said extending her whip as it wrapped around Esra's leg dropping her to the floor while the woman leapt straight at her razor sharp claws bared.

"Oh I do so love a good cat fight" the Joker said clapping his hands as Batman reached into his utility belt and threw forward some bat rings as the Joker nimbly dodged them but his goons weren't so lucky as they dropped the guns they were holding. "Tsk tsk always ruining my fun get him" the Joker said as his men drew knives and raced towards Batman a second figure appeared beside him as he turned to see Ipek one of Esra's bridesmaids standing next to him "Don't worry I'm a security guard I got this under control" she said smiling as one of the men lunged at her while she simply side stepped the swipe and landed her first blow onto his arm as he dropped the knife then her second and third blow hit him straight in the chest and finally a knee slammed into his chin as he fell to the floor. The blonde bridesmaid Yesim had already disarmed her attacker and picked up a chair cracking it across his back as he dropped the floor only for her to kick him again "Bitch your knife almost ruined my awesome hair" a second man came from behind as he grabbed her hair and then wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug "Oh you did not just grab my hair" she said stamping her foot onto his toe as he roared in pain and staggered back. Looking around Yesim picked up the metal candle stand and smacked it across his jaw knocking him to the ground.

Yeliz another one of Esra's bridesmaid but strangely was wearing a suit and could be mistaken for a dude already had her attacker on the ground and was wrestling for the knife against another man.

"Looks like Esra's friends have everything under control" Batman said shrugging his shoulders and turning his attention back to the Joker who was backing up "Hey come on Bat can't you take a joke.. No... fine then how about a sniff of my flower" he said squirting out a strange green liquid from it as Batman rolled aside dodging it because the second it hit the wooden seat it was completely eroded away. Using the opening the Joker ran forward and kicked Batman straight across the face as he rolled across the floor, he went to kick again only for the dark knight to roll back across and grab the Jokers foot flipping him onto the ground and then planting a knee on his chest punched him straight in the face. Reaching for his flower the Joker squirted it again causing Batman to jump back as the clown leapt to his feet and looked around to find all his goons had been taken care of by the bridesmaid "Grah curse my luck I'll leave you two love birds for today but I'll be back" he said racing out of the church cackling as he went.