Twenty-Eight Constellations

That night, Claude didn't have time to locate the hideout of the super-powered criminal gang; the group had already rushed out to find him. As he left the house after dealing with a hellcat, he heard the shrill cries of stray cats from a remote part of the suburbs.

'It's not a Hellcat, it's a normal cat,' the dog toy stated firmly, sensing no Hell Gate presence.

Though Claude initially hesitated, the cat's cries grew more desperate, urging him to investigate. He followed the sound, speculating, 'Maybe it accidentally fell into a ventilation shaft? I've read about similar incidents.'

Upon jumping to a nearby roof, Claude witnessed a group surrounding a cat locked in an iron cage. They wielded electric batons, viciously attacking the defenseless animal while chatting and laughing callously.

'Isn't it said that a cat can attract the dog demon? Why is there no movement yet?' one person scoffed, as the leader barked orders. 'Summon the demon dog! If not, download a cat's meow audio file! I won't leave Su Fang City until I dismantle that demon!'

The dog toy seethed with rage. 'No matter their target, they're abusing cats!'

Realizing the severity of the situation, Claude acted swiftly. He leaped down, effortlessly opened the cage, then returned to a high-rise vantage point before the assailants could react.

The super-powered individual, who had set traps around the street, was dumbfounded. 'No! How did he take the cat and escape? Isn't the dog demon only for killing cats?'

However, Claude's cover was blown when he confronted a man in a black special forces uniform on the spire of a 48-story building. 'Who are you?'

'Hello, I am Tang Aibai, captain of the Nangong team of the Chinese Twenty-Eight Constellations,' the man introduced himself calmly, his reassuring demeanor contrasting his sharp features.

'What are the Twenty-Eight Constellations?' Claude queried, baffled.

Tang Aibai maintained his composure. Having analyzed Claude's actions, they suspected his ignorance of the superpower world, deeming him a daring yet naive individual unafraid to confront danger head-on.

The 28 Constellations represent China's official superpower corps, responsible for managing superpower-related matters both domestically and internationally. Their duties encompass guiding and restraining emerging super-powered individuals while also cracking down on superpower-related crimes.

Tang Aibai briefly explained, and Claude followed his gaze toward the road. He saw the group of people who had previously been arrogant and mistreated the puppy, now tightly bound with silver-white handcuffs, slumped in front of two other individuals in black uniforms.

"Tang Aibai clarified, "Those are two members of the Nangong team. The one with glasses is Peng Hua, known for his natural birth ability, and the one with the high ponytail is Qiao Liang, specializing in spatial reorganization."

Claude nodded.

Upon hearing about the Constellations' role in regulating superhuman activity, Claude felt nervous, unconsciously shrinking his hands behind his back, fearing immediate restraint by Tang Aibai.

Noticing Claude's movements, Tang Aibai restrained her laughter, her voice turning gentler. "Your recent nighttime activities haven't escaped surveillance cameras or pedestrians. Interested parties have noticed you, but they observed until yesterday when you disrupted the fire control personnel's plans. They've connected you to the authorities and are prepared to take action."

"Someone with a heart?" Claude grasped the essence of the statement. "Are there many super-powered criminals like the Fire Control man?"

Tang Aibai turned serious when discussing business. "In fact, they often form sects, hiding their superpowers in numerous ways, making it challenging for us to track them."

Claude's shock was obvious. A sect? He had no knowledge of this. However, he remembered the previous day's fire control operation, eerily similar to the Biliu Huang quan sect that the dog god had mentioned years ago. They worshiped an evil god named the Son of Satan and attempted a world-ending blood ritual. Protected by the dog god's power, they caused Su Fang city's partial destruction.

Claude was astounded. So, the Su Fang earthquake was caused by these cultists? His worldview was shattered. Seeing Claude's distress, Tang Aibai comforted him.

"The 28 Constellations will increase night patrols for residents' safety. Regarding the super-powered cats you attend to every night for suspected mental illnesses--"

"They're not super cats, they're called Hellcats."

Claude, willing to share news, receives a reply from the dog toys, allowing the disclosure of information except for Dog God and its existence.

Claude continued speaking, mentioning the Hellcats' hellish origins and their ability to infect ordinary cats. Tang Aibai's expression grew increasingly grim.

Since Hellcats could infect cats, could they also infect humans when bitten? Claude's affirmative response heightened Tang Aibai's anxiety.

Though the captain of the Nangong team had doubts about the evidence, Claude's honest demeanor shifted his perception. Viewing Claude as a justice-driven talent rather than a mere dog demon, Tang Aibai extended an olive branch, offering more information about the 28 Constellations.

"The first time I stepped into this world, I encountered numerous super-powered individuals with hidden motives. It's essential to remain cautious. If cults continue to set traps for you or if you find yourself in sticky situations later, you can contact us anytime."

"Don't fret about revealing your location. While non-members of the 28 Constellations can't disclose confidential information or access camera locations, we'll guide relevant departments to erase your image from satellite and street videos. Nonetheless, stay alert for potential tails and avoid falling into the encirclement of cult organizations."

"Of course, if Hellcats continue to breach the Hell Gate and threaten the safety of local residents in the future, the 28 Constellations won't remain passive."

As Tang Aibai finished speaking, he saluted Claudio with his right hand, playfully winked, and leaped off the high building. Enclosed in a blue bubble, he gracefully landed on the ground, rejoining his companions.

Moments later, he ascended the ventilation duct and awkwardly smiled at Claudio. Carefully, he retrieved the injured puppy from the iron cage, removed his uniform jacket, cradled the puppy in his arms, and leaped back up.

[With enough Hellcats expelled or another fragment of the dog god's soul discovered, and with sufficient spiritual power, you can control two bodies simultaneously without leaving a trace.]

Observing Claudio's gaze fixed on Tang Aibai escorting the prisoner away, the dog toy couldn't resist commenting.

"I was just pondering," Claudio shrugged, "if I had agreed earlier, could I have become a member of the civil service?"

Bypassing a series of daunting steps like high school entrance exams, graduate school exams, civil service tests, and heading straight to the end of the universe! What an enticing prospect!


The dog toy was left speechless.

Claudio's musings soon faded, and he carefully stowed away the 28 Constellations' communication device. With a swift leap, he ascended another tall building, guided by the dog toy in search of the next Hellcat that had breached into the world.