
Yan Anqing placed the puppy on the table near the bedside cabinet, changed out of his pajamas, and gently patted the dog's head. He yawned, crawled into bed, covered himself with a blanket, and fell into a deep sleep.

Claude perked up his ears and let out a quiet bark, inquiring about the nearby situation.

"No one has come over. The superpower user who controls the gray mist passed by the iron net once but didn't find anything, so he quickly returned," reported the dog toy, advising Claude again. "Why not stay here for the night, or for a few days? Your friend seems like he's going to keep you for a while. It's a good chance to completely separate your identity."

"I'll bring danger to Yan Anqing," Claude explained softly, examining his healing hind leg. "In half an hour, when it's slightly lighter, we'll leave."

Prepared to hunt the dog demon at night, the five people tracking Claude were equipped for night combat, whether controlling the gray mist or insects. Their abilities would weaken after sunrise. Additionally, the constellations would eventually catch the sect members, perhaps halting their pursuit.

Having made up his mind, Claude ignored further persuasion from the dog toy. Soon after, noticing the injured puppy getting drowsy, it played a tune in its mind, making Claude bark in surprise and stumble.

"What's the barking for?"

"I just want to remind you that your clothes are still in the elevator shaft below. How do you plan to go home?" remarked the dog toy.

Claude hesitated. He could go home directly with his dog, but his control over it was lacking. Both his perception and combat abilities were inferior compared to his human form, making it unwise to choose his dog form with people still searching for him.

"Then I'll take Yan Anqing's clothes," he whispered, licking his paw. "I can't run around naked on the rooftop; tomorrow, the whole dormitory will know the suspected dog demon is actually a pervert."

"Nobody calls you Kao Xian except for yourself," pointed out the dog toy matter-of-factly.

Ignoring the remark, Claude glanced at the sleeping Yan Anqing, walked out of the bedroom, and headed to the dressing room next door with familiarity. He often changed clothes here when playing at Yan Anqing's house.

The puppy's body shifted, transforming into a two-legged figure in the center of the dressing room. After rummaging for a moment, Claude pulled out a black, cloth-like pair of large pants from a pile of colorful, fashionable ones.

"Your friend's taste is much better than yours."

"Do you want me to wear these bright, punk-style suspenders to escape superpower users?" Claude rolled his eyes. "Plus, I'd have to cut the pants behind to let my tail out. I can't afford those expensive-looking clothes."

"You can't afford these either."

The clear voice resonated from behind.

"Gucci new style, unit price 7200. Are you sure you want to cut it open with scissors?"

Claude jolted, his ears and tail standing upright. He turned around to see Yan Anqing leaning against the door in his pajamas.

When did this guy arrive!?

Yan Anqing's eyelids drooped, as if he hadn't fully woken up yet. His usually curved lips straightened, giving him an unfriendly look. Despite this expressionless face, Claude could discern the guy's confusion and bewilderment from his subtle movements.

Covering his eyes, Yan Anqing said, "Could you put your pants on first?"

Embarrassed, Claude hurriedly put on his pants and apologized, "I'll pay for your clothes."

Seeing that Yan Anqing didn't let him go, still staring intently, Claude briefly explained the night's events, "There's a superpower organization chasing me for experiments. I transformed into a puppy and escaped here, and you picked me up at home. I'll leave now to ensure I won't cause you any trouble."

Frowning, Yan Anqing glanced at Claude's injured leg and asked, "How do I know you'll pay for my clothes? What if you default?"

"I won't," Claude scratched his ears, his voice involuntarily softening as he thought of his meager funds, "it might take a while, or would you mind installment payments?"

For a moment, he lamented losing his lunch money and going home hungry, then heard Yan Anqing snort, "Of course I mind."

"How about this," Yan Anqing smirked, "you compensate me with meat."

Claude widened his eyes, stepping back in surprise.

What was this? Did Yan Anqing have such a fetish?!

Seeing Claude's bewildered expression, Yan Anqing hesitated, realizing his statement was ambiguous. Blushing, he clarified, "What are you thinking? I meant for you to be my bodyguard!"

Rubbing his nose, Claude explained helplessly, "I have many enemies outside. Being your bodyguard will only bring danger."

[Since when do you have so many enemies? Isn't it just one broken organization chasing you for research?] the dog toy inquired.

As tomorrow's injuries heal, and we hand over those people to the Twenty-Eight Constellations, our enemies will naturally increase, thought Claude, refraining from saying it aloud because Yan Anqing was still present.

"It doesn't matter," Yan Anqing tilted his head and shrugged carelessly, "Besides, it doesn't matter if there's danger or not. There's only one person in my family, anyway."

Claude disagreed, staring at him.

"You're not allowed to leave," Yan Anqing felt guilty under that gaze and resorted to bluffing, "I spent a lot on buying you dog supplies! If you want to leave now, then first compensate me for a dog!"


The dog toy couldn't resist interjecting.

[Dog supplies are that expensive? As the most loyal subordinate of the Dog God, I should be worth more than 10,000 yuan!]

Claude sighed internally.

"Why compare prices with goods and put yourself on the shelf? It's not good to be a cold-hearted god!"

He dismissed the dog toy to guard the door with a headache and reasoned with Yan Anqing: "I can't stay here for long. If you're targeted by a superpower organization, it's not impossible to be kidnapped, mind-controlled, or even sacrificed. You know that criminal gang wanted? They are actually a group of law-breaking superpowers."

Yan Anqing blinked his eyes. Perhaps because the cat-eared boy in front was too easy to talk to and had a certain familiar feeling, although he saw the puppy come alive, he just felt that his worldview was refreshed and didn't have any panic or fear. But thinking of a group of criminals with superpowers wreaking havoc in Sufang City, the "danger" mentioned earlier immediately gained a sense of reality. So Yan Anqing was more excited: "Do I need to help? For example, lure them out? My family is wealthy and is a very suitable bait!"

Claude was speechless and wanted to pick this guy up and hang him on the spire of the Su Fang Building on the forty-eighth floor.

"No need," he snapped. "If you don't tell anyone about this, you've already done me a big favor."

Yan Anqing clicked his tongue and pursed his lips in frustration. As they were talking, the morning sun rose and cast a few rays of dazzling white light next to the window.

Claude looked at the clock and saw that there was only half an hour left until his usual wake-up time. He was anxious and stopped talking to Yan Anqing: "I have an emergency, I have to go. I'll return your clothes tomorrow." After he finished speaking, he turned around and ran to the window, but it was Yan Anqing who stopped him and handed him a white sweatshirt before he realized that he was not wearing any clothes.

"The clothes don't have to be returned. I don't like other people's clothes," Yan Anqing looked up and said, "like this, I don't have to be your bodyguard either. Two clothes, two things for me to help you do, okay?"

Claude cautiously asked, "What is it?"

"I'll tell you later, it's definitely within your abilities, like finding something, saving a person, or catching a mouse," Yan Anqing gestured, seeing Claude's dissatisfied appearance, and added, "You can also use my house as a free rest point, with more than enough food. If I'm in a good mood, I can even bandage your wounds for you."

Claude: "... Fine."

Although this guy is arrogant and likes to court disaster, he is his best friend after all. Even if there was no such thing today, Yan Anqing wanted him to help out, and he wouldn't refuse. He didn't say more and politely declined Yan Anqing's offer to use the first-aid kit to treat his right leg injury. He turned around and jumped out of the window, not taking the elevator back to his room to grab his clothes, but sneaking into the underground garage and taking a shortcut from a secluded corner to run out of the community.

Despite never seeing the superpowers that were chasing him earlier, Claude was still very cautious and took great care when walking home. After enduring so much hardship, when he finally arrived home, there were only a few minutes left until his usual wake-up time. Only enough time for him to change back into his puppy form and pick up all the clothes on the ground with his real body.

"I don't have time to wash them," he sighed. "It seems like I have to double-shift tonight. The jacket fights while the real body washes clothes." Fortunately, he had always been careful to control his tail and hadn't ruined the pants that were so expensive. The pain in his leg had already lessened too much for him to feel happy: "After solving the problem of hell-cats, if I can still keep the shell of the dog, I will double-shift every day and squeeze the dog to go out and work!"

Before he finished speaking, there was already knocking on the door from his parents. Claude quickly controlled the dog and hid it deeper in the closet while changing his clothes at the same time as walking towards the door: "Woke up, woke up, it's time to eat!"