After many years in the olden days, our ancestors did not know Mohammad or Jesus the savior.

 It was a peaceful place where each village, was independent. In that place of the village, our ancestors faced various challenges that made one of the ancestors think and use her abilities they knew him they used to call him through way, and that was when her abilities used to be discovered. it was a ritual performed by our ancestors, that was when they encountered a problem they couldn't solve.

 They used animals for sacrifices, and, they chose a big tree like a baobab tree and placed it in the forest they performed the ritual there with the different animals and birds that had chosen, after that ritual that was they started to see the answer of their problem like rain falling, chronic diseases be cured and many other issues being solved. and the people of that village were happy for him and pointed him as their ladder of that ritual her name was Lukoholo, and other village readers called him to help them do the ritual. VILLAGE NAME and village name was given her name Lukoholo, many years passed and the generation of the Lukoholo family continued to practice the ritual by establishing a tradition of inheritance within the family to ensure stability as the source.

 lukoholo generation passed in the year 1930, they were two men born in that year one of the men was called Hitila and the other was Tumwombe they were brothers the big brother was Hitila and he pointed as the leader who could ladder the ritual, so the day comes tumwombe and her wife Atupele was blessed to have twins two boys.

 It was a surprising event because one understood it was the first to happen in that village, it was a happy day and the village was happy for them. The villagers had to celebrate at that time, and even though it was a strange thing, they did not hesitate to celebrate the birth of two children in different ways. Second, they see it as a blessing for them, and others think that it is something special that is coming to us in the village. Everyone was happy in the village, believing it was a good sign. BIG PARTY ....When the party ended, everyone was drunk and full and started to go to rest and the others decided to sleep there.

 Tumwombe while he was sleeping during the deep night, a terrible dream came to him and there was a voice telling him that one child should be sacrificed right then and there, he was shocked by the dream and he woke up, the voice saying no, that voice that startled his wife was known by the name of Beti, what's wrong, hitila looked at his wife with his eyes wide open like something cutting him and he answered nothing, you are sure, it's not a problem, yes just go to sleep and he pretended to sleep and ignore the dream. but it was not easy for him from that time he did not sleep the dream driving him crazy so that he could not sleep at all saying this is new, how can I make a decent sacrifice it is my brother's blood no it will be a normal dream he kept saying that to himself and saying to himself a lot I will never do that.

 In the morning, the normal activities continued like every day and others went to greet them and were surprised by the arrival of the twins in the village, Hitila and his wife had to go because Beti asked her husband to go revisit him, however, beti and Atupele are friends from childhood, her husband hitila did not hesitate with him because he was passionate about the dream and had to choose to go and check some things, while he said to himself, let go of bad thoughts, I'm just going to check and I know it's not true, it can't be.


 Ten years back, a little before the born of these two brothers, there was a family of a woman who belonged to the clan of Lukoholo. That woman was the firstborn in the family and she was the last because the family failed to have another child, she was named Mabodo so they were able to give the bag to the girl child, but the elders refused, claiming that by our traditions, we cannot leave a female child to conduct the rituals, yes, she is a woman, she was treated as a housewife. It was a serious meeting of the elders that brought a lot of discussion, so until the conflict ended, they had to give the idea that the child's father should continue to perform the rituals until eight years had the age of eight, there is a girl child in the family whose Lukoholo clan is supposed to marry. 

 Mabado's mother wanted to be given those bags but the plan failed, she was not interested in those decisions, the mother grew up knowing a lot of things about performing rituals and began to train the girl Mabado, she grew up with great abilities, and skills because she grew up doing impossible things that became possible, people started talking about her and she started to get a little fame in the village.

 The elders discovered the information, and they did not like that had to call a meeting. and the father of the daughter did not even know what was going on, and wondered why the meeting, he arrived there and was surprised there was very noise in the meeting, the elders asked him why he was teaching his daughter the ritual and we refused, the accusations became strong against him, and he was protesting how, I do not understand what you are talking about, serious you daughter they call him the god of the village, and he asks How is the god of the village, all being silent they were surprised and asked him, it means you don't know your wife has grown up teaching your daughter about ritual worship, which is not acceptable in our society, how can I argue with the elders why do you want to pollute your lineage, your grandfather did it in cleanly way.,

 I don't know this, he ordered his young men to bring his wife and child here. The mother and her daughter were brought and he asked her if these words were true you have been teaching my daughter rituals, so I wanted to help you in my way and let the elders know that it is also possible for us. You fool of a woman, where did you get the courage to do this? You do not know that you have contradicted the words of these elders, you fool. I don't want to hear this again, I ask you to leave one, but the elders did not stop there, they wanted them to disappear completely because the law was that you should be killed when you disagree with the ideas of the elders, that was not an easy thing for the father of mabodo. The elders wanted them to be killed, but it was not easy for him, so he had to ask them for forgiveness that they should not be killed but leave the village, when the elders had to discuss the request out of respect for him, they accepted him, then the mother and child were chased away from the village. and then the village calmed down and life went on, things came to pass as they had planned and then the girl who was waiting grew up and marriage then two young men were born.

 It turned out that it had been a month since the offspring of the twins were supposed to go again, they arrived at the house, and they found Beti, Beti, was very happy about the stranger's arrival. has invited them inside haha ​​how dare you even come to greet Shemu, you bet you knew we would have come earlier but this man was taking the day forward every day only today I have tied him up as we have come, mm Shemu you bad, this liar and he is lying to you, hahaha, don't you guys start arguing here, you will finish the year, kalibu, stay, shemu, thank you very much, hitila;tumwombe I don't see him where he is, he going to see the farm you know we have very a big problem in our village, animals are dying for no reason, and crops hunger has started stalking us vip how about in you side home.

 When Hitila heard that, he grabbed a cup of water and dropped it on the ground. His hands were getting weak and he said no in a voice which did not sound, he had to go out of the house a little far from his brother's house and he bent down panting heavily, no why, after few seconds then he raised his eyes and looked at the livestock of the village and he was surprised to see how the people were celebrating the funeral of animal with a sad face he began to be very afraid and the voice talking to him like some was kept coming to his head it was woman voice and told him if you had done that earlier this would not have hit you have failed to protect the village this is all your fault and the voice became laughing, he grabbed his head saying stop...stop noo....

In the thick night, a voice is heard inside the largest forest saying You must regret chasing me from my house and my mother, and he starts laughing.