Trouble befell the villagers

Then all the problems of Alensam went away and he started living happily in his village. But his happiness did not last long because within a few months the villagers were in trouble.And that trouble was no different, a dangerous storm and heavy rain was coming, everyone got scared after seeing it. Then all the villagers asked what will happen now, then Alensam said that it is nothing, the weather has deteriorated, everyone do not come out of their houses for a few days.Everyone listened to him, then after some time a storm and heavy rain came in that village and everyone ran away to their homes. And the weather remained bad in that village for a month, then when the weather became better, everyone came out of their houses and saw what happened to the condition of the village. Someone's house is gone, someone's shop is gone, someone's farm and barn is gone. Many villagers were harmed But nothing happened to Alensam, he did not suffer any loss at all. Everyone started wondering why there was no loss in this Then after that everyone turned their attention away from success and everyone started doing their work. Gradually, after hard work, the whole village became green again. Fir sub started living his life well and happily. But God had something else in mind. After a few months, an earthquake occurred again in that village and the villagers suffered huge losses. But Alensam did not lose anything Then everyone started wondering what he does that it does not cause any harm. Everyone started to find out and started keeping an eye on him silently, but he was engrossed in himself, how could he get worse? If the villagers did not get anything then they stopped paying attention to it again. Got settled in life to get everything back Then after several months a big trouble came again and our villagers suffered huge losses. But there was no harm to Alensam All the villagers together thought that he was doing something, all the troubles are coming for him and not on him, thinking all these wrong things, they expelled him from the village. And he said, don't ever set foot in this village from now on, don't show your face and kicked him out. Poor Alensam leaves that village crying and never comes back to that village again. Still the villagers felt that now no trouble will come and they will not suffer any loss. But little did they know that the real trouble was about to come. Then after a few years passed A very big problem arose in the village, that problem was that if some arrogant and executioner wanted to take over that village, then the villagers tried to make him cry but the people who stood before that king Left no one and destroyed everyone. And he continued committing similar crimes against those villages for many years. Then a day later, a very distant boy is stuck there and he gets angry in front of him and starts shouting for that village. Then the villagers cannot understand who this brave boy is and where he has come from. Jo is fighting for us, he has beaten all the captive villagers with one rod. Then the king left the place and gave a warning saying that he will come back. Then the boy said that I will come and take a look. And then all the villagers start praising that boy and everyone starts asking him about him. But the boy doesn't tell anything and then he starts leaving from there. All the villagers wonder what will happen to us if he goes away. Then they start joining hands with him and then start telling him not to go, he is in debt with all of us. So for a moment that boy agrees Then he just stopped Then he starts living with those villagers. Provide a good house and a house for him but That boy leaves that house and starts living in Alensam's house. Then the villagers asked why did he stay in their house? Then they told you to get killed, son, this is the house of a very troublesome boy. at least something will happen to you The boy laughed and said, nothing can happen to me. I will see what happens, now you all go. Do your work Fir sub villagers start doing their work For several months there was no problem in this village. But then he came with his Hazari army. Then he told me to hand over that boy to him, otherwise I will leave the village, otherwise he will keep the village alive. Then the sub dar jate hai sub bhagne starts happening Then the king starts attacking everyone in anger, then after some time the boy appears.Aur huge war hine seems to be the lone boy costing his army to fight infidel bloodshed happens Then the king leaves and then he leaves with a warning. Then the villagers told him that till now you will remain alone, if you teach us then we will be able to support you. The boy started teaching teach teach teach They prepared the sub-village for war. Then that boy goes somewhere and then after how many years he goes, he does not come to the village, then everyone thinks that he has gone somewhere. Then out of regret they make an effigy of him and start worshiping it.Then sometime later the king comes again, this time he comes with full preparation.And then a fierce battle takes place between the villagers and the king.Every day there is a lot of loss in the war but then the villagers start becoming weak. Then the wind seems to be blowing loudly The wind starts blowing strongly and then the earth starts flying and then you see. Just then someone comes running from there and looks very angry. Whenever we see the gifted people, everyone says that he is the same boy who taught us. Fir sub starts calling him loudly and then he starts fighting. Then the king asks who are you and why are you endangering this village? Then he says that I have a lot of connection with this village. I am alensam Seb villagers become silent and Mourning that this is Alensam Then he started apologizing to everyone and said to Alensam, please forgive us, we did this to you.And Alensam smiles and says sorry Then they start fighting there Then the one who kills the king remains that The king starts apologizing to him and starts pleading that he will never be seen again in the village.To Alensam leaves and the king goes Then we start living under happy Kushi.