Company Sold

After class, Zane accompanied Lorna around the school to help her get familiar with it. Then, he let Lorna be surrounded by a group of girls, listening to their discussions on cosmetics, clothes, and school gossip. Zane's mouth twitched involuntarily. It seemed that girls from different worlds were quite similar, even in Marvel.

However, seeing Lorna gradually joining their ranks from her initial reserved and somewhat introverted state, Zane finally felt relieved. The original Lorna was somewhat self-conscious and even tended to be a bit introverted.

This was also the reason why Zane brought her to school. Although high schools were a bit chaotic, most students were still naive before entering society. Zane believed that Lorna could make friends here and complete the magnificent transformation from self-doubt to self-confidence. It was truly well-intentioned.

"Lorna, did you have a good day?" Zane asked on the way home from school.

"It was great. It's different from what I imagined. My classmates are nice to me, and a few of them even invited me to go shopping together on the weekend." Lorna said excitedly.

"That's good. By the way, what do you want to eat tonight? I want to eat meat, but your body can't handle too much meat now. Let's have porridge tonight!"

"Why do you even ask me then?"

"I have to consult your opinion, making me look more democratic."


Zane looked at Lorna's pouting expression, feeling very happy. Isn't a girlfriend meant for teasing?

After dinner, Zane returned to the study alone, which had been redecorated. It must be said that the efficiency of the Marvel world's decoration team was really high. Zane had almost dismantled the study yesterday, and it was repaired in just one day.

No wonder the frequently disaster-stricken New York could recover and prosper in such a short time; the decoration team was the biggest contributor!

Zane sat in the study, holding a company report obtained from Skynet's investigation. The more he read, the more furrowed his brows became. After contemplating for a while, he finally picked up the phone.

"Hello, Jonas, it's Zane."

"I'm here. Boss, what can I do for you?"

"I've decided to sell the company. You're in charge of contacting the buyer. You'll get your share once the deal is done."

"What? Boss, why do you suddenly want to sell the company? The company is doing well. Why sell it all of a sudden?"

"Don't worry about it. Just follow orders. I'll explain to the buyer to let you continue as the CEO."

"Alright, Boss."

After hanging up the phone, Zane sneered. His company's CEO seemed very loyal, but he was only concerned about his own interests.

The current group, after three generations of development by Zane's ancestors, seemed prosperous on the surface, with income growing every year. However, in reality, it was losing money every year. The fundamental reason was that there were too many internal worms in the company, so many that even the high-level executives wanted to unite to plot against Zane's parents.

If it were an ordinary urban plane, Zane would have the mood to gradually expose these worms. However, this was the Marvel world, and Zane didn't have much time left. He didn't have the leisure to play the role of a domineering CEO. It was more convenient to quickly cut off the mess, get the funds, and then establish a completely controlled company by himself.

With Skynet, there was no need to worry about the revenue of the newly established company.

After settling the company matters, Zane suddenly felt a sincere sense of relief, as if a big mountain on his back had suddenly been lifted.

"I really am not suitable to be a boss," Zane self-mockingly smiled.

In his previous life, he was just one of the millions of ordinary people. Coming here and suddenly becoming the owner of a billion-dollar conglomerate left him at a loss. Fortunately, he obtained Skynet. After the funds were in place to establish a new company, he could completely let Skynet, this intelligent life, take over. He could just listen to reports from time to time, being a hands-off manager. Wouldn't that be great?

Anyway, Skynet doesn't get tired, understands human emotions, and is absolutely loyal to him. Zane felt it would be a waste not to use it.

As Zane was lost in thought, he laughed heartlessly. Standing next to Zane, Skynet looked utterly confused, completely unaware that it had been treated as free labor.

By the way, Skynet now claimed to be Zane's housekeeper to the outside world and had already been introduced to Lorna.

However, Lorna always felt that Skynet was strange, as if it weren't human-like. Yet, she inexplicably felt a strange sense of familiarity with it. Still, she didn't tell Zane.

Lorna was completely unaware that she had the power of magnetism, and naturally, she would feel familiar with the metal-bodied Skynet. Her abilities had not yet awakened, but since she could perceive the Skynet differently, the moment of awakening was probably not far away.

Then, Zane began to plan for his own strength. Although subsidiary forces could be very helpful in the Marvel world, the ultimate decision of success or failure depended on powerful individuals. Zane wouldn't sacrifice the essential for the sake of the trivial. He was determined to develop his own forces while not neglecting his individual growth.

Currently, his life-saving skills included the S-rank [River of Death] and the A-rank [God's Absence]. For attack skills, he had the S-rank [King's Treasury]. However, the [Death River] only had one resurrection left, and the [King's Treasury] was currently empty.

To develop both skills simultaneously, Zane thought of a place—Wakanda, the home of Black Panther. There were mountains of vibranium there. Making weapons from it would definitely cause explosive growth in the [King's Treasury]. Moreover, Wakanda was currently in a state of seclusion, appearing to the outside world as a poor and backward agricultural civilization with no value for invasion. However, secretly, it had developed into a technological sanctuary relying on vibranium.


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