Skynet's Issue

Peter decisively accepted it. Smart as he was, he instantly understood that this was a reliable job. With Zane's status, there was no need to deceive him. Moreover, even if they did deceive him, what could they get from him? Zane was helping him.

"Thank you."

"Thank me for what? We're like brothers."

In the blind-spot view of Peter, Zane revealed a conspiratorial smile. No wonder so many big villains like to talk big and deceive people. It turned out that selling someone and having them count money for you felt so satisfying!

Leaving the exhibition hall, Peter looked back inside. He always felt like he had lost something important, like a train off its tracks. His destiny seemed to become somewhat unpredictable from today.

However, for some reason, Peter didn't dislike this feeling. On the contrary, he felt a sense of relief.

Returning home in the evening, Zane once again entered the study. Skynet was already standing there, waiting.

"Have you copied Peter's father's research results?"

"Yes, boss."

"Can we create super soldiers with animal genes as described in the data?" Zane asked expectantly.

But unexpectedly, he was instantly rejected by Skynet.

"Sorry, boss, we can't."

"Huh, why? Is the data incomplete, or is the cost too high?"

"No, the data is complete, and the cost is not high. It's our own problem."

"Our issue?" Zane was even more confused by what Skynet said.

"Yes, boss. I can't understand this data, and I believe you might..."

Skynet didn't finish the sentence, showing great insight by saving face for Zane, who wasn't proficient in studies.

"You can't understand? Aren't you an intelligent life form? If you can't understand, go learn. It should be a piece of cake for you, right?"

"Boss, I did learn, but I really can't comprehend it!"

Skynet looked quite distressed, marking the first time Zane witnessed such strong emotions on Skynet's face. Then Skynet caught Zane's skepticism and hastily explained:

"Boss, you might have a slightly misconception of the concept of intelligent life. Intelligent life is still life; it's not an all-powerful deity. Like any form of life, it has strengths and weaknesses, areas of expertise, and areas it struggles with. After evolving into an intelligent life form, my computational power is virtually infinite, but my talents are limited to machinery and weapons. I genuinely don't comprehend genetic engineering!"

At this moment, Skynet observed Zane's unmistakable expression of disdain. It seemed like Skynet was about to say, "This servant cannot comply."

Zane sighed, choosing not to press Skynet further. He admitted to having some misconceptions, assuming Skynet, as an intelligent life form, was omnipotent. He forgot Skynet's prototype was a weapons scientist with Hydra, utterly unfamiliar with genetic engineering.

(PS: In Marvel, Arnim Zola is set as a geneticist and human genetic engineer. However, the movies don't delve into this. For the sake of the plot, the author depicted him as having talents only in mechanical and weaponry aspects. Please forgive any deviations from the original.)

Actually, Zane wasn't as disappointed as he appeared. Obtaining this transgenic grafting technology required minimal effort, easily copied from a USB drive at the abandoned Roosevelt Station.

It wasn't a disappointment in Skynet either. Without Skynet, Zane wouldn't have had such a leisurely life or developed so rapidly. Zane's biggest disappointment was with himself.

"Darn it, being a study slacker is truly disappointing."

"Wuwuwu, I envy those experts who can spout a long string of high-sounding academic terms."

This was Zane's inner monologue at the moment. However, in Skynet's eyes, Zane frowned, occasionally glancing at himself. Skynet's artificial heart was pounding; it was afraid that Zane might decommission it.

It didn't want to go back to that dark underground basement in its lifetime. The feeling of being trapped in one place for over 30 years was something Skynet absolutely didn't want to experience again, not even in death.

The more Skynet thought about it, the more frightened it became. Meanwhile, Zane was immersed in his own world and couldn't extricate himself. Unable to withstand Zane's scrutinizing gaze any longer, Skynet trembled and stammered:

"Boss, I was wrong. Please don't recycle me. I can do anything else you want. If you lack genetic engineering scientists, I can bring them to you."

That pitiful appearance could break hearts. At this moment, Zane transformed into the one who was taking advantage of, while Skynet became the pitiful laborer.

Zane was awakened from his internal monologue, only to witness Skynet in its hysteric state. Feeling bewildered, Zane, however, maintained a demeanor of indifference to preserve his authority as the master.

"You're thinking too much. I'm not blaming you. I've already found the genetic engineering scientists you were looking for. Their names are Peter Parker. He'll probably contact you soon."

Skynet, hearing that Zane didn't blame it, breathed a sigh of relief. But seeing Zane's still solemn expression, it became uneasy once again.

"Oh, Skynet, how about the tasks I assigned to you?"

"Boss, I've identified the two people you're looking for. My avatars are on their way. The company has been registered, and all procedures are in order, waiting for the funds. Metal has been purchased and is being used to manufacture weapons. I've also made progress in the technology that can control people. I believe we'll have results soon."

When it came to the fields Skynet was involved in, it regained confidence, no longer displaying the fear it had just now.

"Doing well, Skynet, what reward do you want?"


"No worries, speak boldly. I won't hesitate to give you anything you ask for," Zane said confidently.

"Boss, can you get me access to cutting-edge technology for my research?" Skynet eagerly asked.

"No problem. The two people you are looking for can lead us to the place with the most advanced technology on Earth."

"Thank you, Boss."

Zane nodded in satisfaction, gesturing for Skynet to leave. Once Skynet closed the study door, Zane secretly took out a book from the drawer and continued reading from where he had marked last time. The title of the book was "The Way of Subjugation."


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