
Harry turned Norman's office upside down but found no socket resembling the chip. Disappointed, he sat on the boss's chair and threw the chip onto the table.

Since the most promising place had yielded nothing, there wasn't much hope for other places either.

Suddenly, Harry heard a 'beep' sound, glanced around in confusion, and then seemed to suddenly realize something. He stood up abruptly, looking at the massive desk. The square chip, upon contact with the desk, unexpectedly popped up an interface, displaying rows of directories.

Harry casually opened one option, which recorded an advanced high-tech combat suit powered by the human body, with some self-healing capabilities. Harry seemed to see hope and quickly opened folders in sequence, checking the information inside.

Until he found a video that introduced the genetic grafting technology Peter mentioned last night. The two people in the video were Peter's father, Richard Parker, and Dr. Connors, who was turned into ashes by Zane.

Harry happened to remember that Peter's father was Richard Parker, so now everything made sense. The reason his father asked him to find Peter was that the technology that originally belonged to the Osborn family was now in Peter Parker's hands.

However, Peter had previously told him that the gene-splicing technology belonged to some Skynet Technology company.

Lies? How could a newly established company have such technology? Clearly, Peter didn't want to save him. That was the only explanation.

"Peter Parker..."

A hateful gleam flashed in Harry's eyes. It turned out that his unfortunate first half of life was all because of the Parker family. If Richard Parker hadn't taken the data and run away, the reverse transcriptase virus that Osborns had should have been cured long ago. Harry wouldn't have fallen into this passive situation today.

Now Harry had only one thought in his mind, and that was to make Peter pay in blood and let him experience the taste of despair.

In fact, Richard Parker wasn't a good person either. He had been sponsored by the Osborn family for decades, finally producing the gene-splicing technology. However, Richard directly took the technology and ran away. The reason? He was afraid that Osborn would use this technology in war. What a madman.

It was originally the Osborn family's technology. As a scientist, you should have done your part. There was no need to play the saint, leading to the tragedies of two generations.

Moreover, Richard Parker wasn't as much of a saint as he appeared on the surface. The most direct evidence was Peter's existence. Even a ghost would know that only Peter, who was bitten by a spider, gained superpowers. So, Richard had undoubtedly made genetic adjustments to Peter when he was young.

This kind of self-righteous act, not allowing others but allowing himself, was absolutely disgusting.

Harry immediately went to the underground floor -7 according to the information in the data. That was where these things were stored. His soaring anger and desire for life made him not want to stop.

He decisively took the chip out of the office, entered a specially-made private elevator, and pulled out a hidden keyboard inside the elevator according to the information in the chip. He entered a password that was 23 characters long. Only then did the elevator take him to the place he considered his rebirth.

However, unexpected events always catch people off guard. The elevator suddenly got stuck halfway. Harry, not surprisingly, fell heavily, and it was the kind where his head hit the door. So, with a body that was already weak, Harry fainted without exception.

After a while, Harry shook his head, feeling confused as he stood up, looking around helplessly.

Research data indicates that when a person is isolated in a confined space, negative emotions such as panic, fear, and helplessness continuously breed. Harry is currently in such a state, and his situation is even worse.

The elevator lights were already out, and the entire elevator was pitch black, making it impossible to see anything. Harry, feeling helpless, took out his phone and turned on the flashlight. The bright light relieved him.

He tried banging on the door and calling for help, but received no response. Moreover, his phone signal showed zero.

Harry vividly remembered that when the elevator abruptly stopped, the displayed floor was -6, which meant that no one in the company could discover him. This private elevator was specially made, with only the elevator door as an exit and a few ventilation holes with a diameter of less than 3 cm.

So now he was completely trapped here, with no way out. It was like being caught between a rock and a hard place.

"Damn, just one step away, why is it like this?"

Harry helplessly slumped to the ground, sinking into deep despair. In that moment, he truly believed that he might die here, and someone would find his bones one day. Now let's go back two hours, to the moment when a stranger wearing a hood suddenly appeared at the entrance of the Osborn Building.

Just as the security was about to ask for his identity, the person lifted his head, revealing a completely blue face. Even the blood vessels inside could be seen through his skin, occasionally flashing with an electric light.

This strange person was Electro, Max Dillon. A few days ago, he was a suppressed figure at Oscorp, where his painstakingly researched electrical grid design was falsely claimed by someone else. With no family or friends, he had seen no glimmer of hope in his 30 years of life, facing only insults and disdain.

He had once thought that he would continue living like this, like stagnant water, until he died lonely one day.

But that night, the mean boss forced him to work overtime to repair circuits. An accident happened – he accidentally fell into a reservoir filled with dozens of electric eels. The result was predictable: he was turned into charcoal by the high-voltage points released by the electric eels.


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