Armadillo Colour Bomb.

She shifted her eyes from the tree and looked behind it. A group of players of some ten to fifteen people being led by the tall brunette whom had skewered the other player in front of her were coming towards her and soon she was surrounded.

"Well..If it isn't the low level ice queen, haha, hiding in the trees, well, the world is full of surprises indeed," she said chuckling.

Chima only stared at her, with her face scrunched up. From their view, it looked like she was racking her brains and was in difficulty of her to escape. However, she was indeed racking her head, searching where in Kiran's memories had she met them before.

The memory would not come up, but Chima knew this girl and Kiran had had a confrontation before which didn't end well from the look of things.

"If you're thinking how you're going to escape this, get that out of your mind. Although your body level is higher than most of us, there are more level seven players here than the most," the girl continued darkly.

"Okay...Okay, can we...Settle this misunderstanding like civilised humans. You go first and please tell me why you're targeting me,"

"We need that crystal in your inventory."

'What crystal?'

Chima understood whom they were that instant. Run bandits. Players whom grouped together to rip off a stronger one.

Chima's mind spun fast. She looked around her, the players surrounding her all had a calm but eager look on their faces. 'Well...'

She looked past the players and saw beyond, a fairy sized, rainbow coloured armadillo. This armadillo wasn't a normal one, of course. It was called an Armed Rainbow Armadillo, used mainly as a weapon than as a beast.

The beast was closely sensitive to its surroundings. Once triggered by a spark or disturbed, it would give a tremendous explosion with rainbow coloured smoke containing a dangerous poison. And when inhaled too much capable of blocking the seven main acupuncture points in the body.

Although small, it was an extremely rare beast and very difficult to catch alive as it's bomb would go off when disturbed.

Chima knew all this but skipped the part where it was an expensive and rare beast.

Then she without thinking pointed her blaster towards it and said, "Well you're not gonna get it, that I promise."

'I'm not even sure if that crystal you looking for is with me anyway.'

Jane was startled as Chima pointed her blaster to player 212, she didn't know his name but he was her winning card to ripping off Kiran. She thought the dude had hidden his aura well but somehow Kiran had uncovered it and had targeted him. If he was gone, defeating Kiran was going to be hard.

She sighed internally and regained her composure. She needed to thread carefully from now on.

"He..He has a bomb with him, if you shoot him. We'll all go down together, just give up the crystal and King can let you off," she said casually.

'Like hell, it's a bomb,'

Chima touched her temple twice and a black mask with a grey claw mark which also doubled as air strainer covered her face. She had bought it with some of the money from Kiran's savings.

She poured her power into the blaster and activated it. It opened, the shard pieces separating and letting our immediately a strong golden ray towards the creature. The player 212 jumped sideways narrowly avoiding it as the ray was shot.

As soon as the ray met the creature, a loud 'boom!' was heard, as rainbow coloured smoke was spread. The momentum sent many players flying away. And many more were eliminated.

The smoke was thick but many players were quick witted and activated their gas masks before they could inhale any of the smoke.

The smoke was dark yet colourful and left many players open to attack from other players whose races were creatures with amazing night visions not excepting Chima.

This left her helpless and she activated her blaster in readiness for any enemies. Although her sight now was blocked, her hearing was topnotch.

Whenever she heard a sound, any sound at all, she would shoot her ray blaster towards that spot. Thus avoiding danger from careless players.

A dark figure approached Chima carefully from behind her, this player was confident in her sneaking skills. She walked closer to her and when she really close...."Your crystal's mine!" She cried as she held Chima's shoulder. But her victim didn't react as she thought she would but turned around with unsurprising swiftness and kicked her violently in the stomach.

Chima was keeping an ear down for enemies when she felt a heard a loud voice and felt a palm on her shoulder.

'Yikes!? Who wanted to give her an heart attack?!'

She turned back in shock and kicked the attacker immediately. She hadn't expected her strength and the person flew away back with a frustrated grunt.

At the same time she heard a clang on the floor and Chima carefully bent down to pick it up, hoping it wasn't a bomb. It wasn't. Chima felt the knife like thing with cold handles and brought it close to her face to examine it correctly, the smoke had already started dissipating so it was easy to see it well.

'A dagger!'

Chima felt giddy with joy, she'd always wanted to have one of these. The hilt was unusually cold and icy. If she could see more clearly she'd have seen the icy steam rolling off the hilt.

She held it in her palms. 'Wonder what it'd feel like to stab someone with this?...'