I still have Sophia

Memories of childhood.

For me, the best word to describe it is—'hell.'

Yes, it was hell.

My name is Sophie.

An ordinary girl.

But also a special one.

When did I start realizing my uniqueness? It wasn't because I looked better than my peers, nor was it my exceptional intelligence that allowed me to easily meet the expectations of my teachers and parents.

It was one day.

Late at night, when I saw myself in the bathroom mirror, and then I heard a voice.


It sounds like a terrifying, eerie story.

I clearly didn't open my mouth, but the person in the mirror did.

Honestly, I was scared out of my wits.

I even thought I was dreaming.

But the 'me' in the mirror told me she was my sister, Sophia.

The sister who couldn't be saved from our mother's womb.

It took me a long time to suppress my shock, but I didn't easily believe it. At that time, I didn't know what to do.