Data File: Sohel Chowdhury

Name: Sohel Chowdhury

Callsign: Ghost

Rank: Captain

Squad: Bravo

Squad Role: Leader

Date of Birth: 10th October 2009

Nationality: Bangladeshi

Date of Recruitment: 24th February 2028

Recommended by: Major General Rahat Ahmed

Class: Assault/Espionage

Designation: Specialist

Date of Graduation: 05th March 2031

Signature Mark: Bionic Left Arm

IQ Level: 141

Specialty: Extreme Marksmanship, Superior stealth ability, Good Strategist

Weakness: Not that good in hand-to-hand combat

Preferred Loadout:

Main: Heckler & Koch HK 416 (Aimpoint red-dot sight, IR Laser and muzzle suppressor)

Secondary: SIG Sauer M17 (Muzzle suppressor and 21-round extended mag)

Melee: Eickhorn KM2000 Combat Knife