Academy Days VIII: 4th Member

Gen. Ahmed expressed curiosity, "Geh? Why that reaction? "

Gen. Ahmed looked at Naomi and saw her also getting a bit uneasy. He kept shifting his gaze from Sohel to Naomi and back to Sohel.

"Hello. What's this tension I'm feeling? Did something happen between you two?"

Sohel said, "Nothing much. Just if I remember correctly, the last time I met her she pointed a gun at me."

Gen. Ahmed looked at Naomi for answers but she avoided his gaze and looked down.

He let out a big sigh and sat down. He asked both of them to sit down. After they sat down he started, "Look, I don't know what happened between you two. But you have to make up. Cause I'm putting Naomi in your squad, Sohel."

Sohel started retaliating, "Stop, stop, stop. Huh? Why? Why does she have to be in my squad? It doesn't make sense. I don't even understand. I don't even know her. I tried to be friends with her but got insulted instead. I don't think it's a good idea."

Gen. Ahmed says, "That wasn't a suggestion boy. That was an order. She is joining your squad. Am I clear?"

Sohel softens down, "Yes, sir."

Gen. Ahmed looks at Naomi and asks, "Do you have a problem with this arrangement?"

"I do, sir. I don't think I can fully show my abilities in his squad. And as you can see, we don't get along. That can prove dire in the field."

Gen. Ahmed says, "Well, you got a whole year to overcome that."

After a short pause, Gen. Ahmed starts talking again, "Look, I'm not doing this on a whim. I'm doing this after analyzing both your abilities and personalities. You guys are compliments of each other. Sohel, You excel at marksmanship while barely passing martial arts classes. As for Naomi, it's the other way around. You excel at martial arts while failing marksmanship classes.

Naomi, I'll advise you to have patience and believe in Sohel's leadership skills. And Sohel, talk with her, spend time with her. I'm sure you'll be friends in no time.

So, Naomi, from now on I'm putting you in Sohel's care. Am I clear?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Now clear your dorm room. Sohel will take you to your squad house."

He looks at Sohel and says, "Sohel, be good with her. OK?"

"Yes, uncle."

"Hey, don't call me uncle now. It's an official meeting."

"Yep. got it."

"Now move on. Go go."

13th January 2030


Academy building courtyard, New Eden

Naomi reaches Sohel with a bag in her hand. Sohel asks, "You got everything?"

Naomi nods. Sohel turns and starts going to the squad's Honda Elevate. Naomi follows. Sohel gets in the driver's seat and Naomi gets in the seat beside him.

Sohel starts the car. While driving, Sohel says, "Well, now that we are in the same squad, let's forget the past and get along." Naomi doesn't say anything and nods.

Sohel thinks she's showing attitude and stops talking.

13th January 2030


Bravo Squad House, New Eden

Sohel and Naomi enter the squad house. Sohel screams, "JACOB, ANN, COME DOWN. WE'VE GOT A NEW SQUADMATE." Jacob and Annabelle get out of their room and are shocked to see Naomi there. Jacob asks, "What's the Ice Queen doing here?"

"She's our new squadmate. Two of you, be good to her."

Annabelle says, "We will, if she is."

Naomi says, "Thanks for having me."

Sohel points at Naomi's room and says, "That will be your room. Go in and come down after freshening up. We'll have dinner after you're here."

Naomi nods and heads to her room. After a while, she comes back down and the four of them have dinner together. After dinner, Jacob invites Naomi to come hang out with them but Naomi refuses and goes to her room.

14th January 2030


Bravo Squads Classroom, Academy Building, New Eden

The four of them were waiting for their TO when an Argentine man in his early 40's, a sharp face and brown long hair entered the room. Upon entering he goes straight to the podium and starts talking, "Good Morning, soldiers. I'm Major Benjamin Lopez. I'll be your TO from now until your Graduation. Today I'll tell you about your 2nd year completion exam and the equipment we'll use there.

As you are a mixed squad, it has been determined that your exam will be a scenario exam. You will be given a scenario where all of you will have to use all your abilities to complete. You will use these bullets in the exam."

The Major shows a red bullet.

"These are non-lethal rounds. If you shoot someone with these they will feel the pain but they won't die. You'll be wearing your normal combat gear and These wristbands."

He shows a round watch-like wristband.

"These bands will keep track of your heart rate and brain signals. So if you get hit by the bullets we will know and you will be disqualified. Any questions?"

Sohel raises his hands.

"Yes, Sohel?"

"Sir, why don't we use these non-lethal rounds in the field?"

"We do. We use these rounds in riot control. But in active combat, you have to use live bullets. Cause in that situation, If someone you took down doesn't stay down you can get shot in the back. And of course, they won't be using these rounds.

Any other questions?"

Annabelle asks, "What happens when one of us gets disqualified?"

"The squad fails the exam and you have to wait another six months to take it again."

All of them get a little nervous. As no one else asks any question they get out of the room and move towards the training grounds for field training.