Sohel's Plan


Control Centre

Naomi slowly sneaks close to a gorilla guard with her knife in her hand and, in a moment, slashes its neck open. The gorillas around them notice it and sharply turn towards Naomi. They aim their AKs at her and shoot. But Naomi swiftly dodges the bullets and starts running.

On the other side of the building:

Mitali aims his FMG-9 at 3 gorillas standing together from a little distance. She fires a long burst at them, killing all three gorillas. The other gorillas around notice it and sharply turn towards Mitali. Mitali turns around and starts running.

Both Mitali and Naomi meet close to the forest entrance with two hordes of gorillas chasing them. They enter the forest and start running towards the pier.

Naomi says, "I can't believe this. How does Sohel come up with these crazy ideas?"

Mitali replies, "Yeah, the idea's crazy but at least better than what ARIA suggested. ARIA's crazy if she thought we'd go along with that simulation."

ARIA suddenly speaks. Her voice sounded like she was hurt. She says, "I'm sorry, sergeant. It looks like my analysis and simulation weren't to your liking. I'll try to improve."

Mitali freaks out a little. She says, "No, no. It's okay. You suggested what you thought would be the best approach. You don't need to get upset."

Naomi chuckles.

They reach the pier. The gorillas weren't firing inside the forest as they were chasing them. Once they got out in the opening, some gorillas stopped and fired at Naomi and Mitali. Naomi dodges the bullets by skilfully getting out of the way of the bullets. But Naomi gets hit on her back. The knockback from the bullets makes her tumble and fall down. Naomi notices this and picks her up and starts running again while dodging the bullets.

While running, Naomi asks, "You okay?"

Mitali grunts. She says in a rugged voice, "Only the plate's broken. But it hurts like hell."

Naomi chuckles and says, "So, you're okay."

Mitali retaliates, "Heyyyyyyy."

Naomi abruptly stops as they get close to the water. Mitali asks, "What happened?"

Naomi doesn't answer but throws Mitali in between a few barrels and jumps in there too. Just as she does, a barrage of 7.62*39mm flies through the place where they were standing before.

Mitali peaks through the barrels and sees another horde of gorillas standing close to the water.

Mitali panics and says frantically, "What will we do? We're sandwiched."

Naomi stressfully starts tapping her knife to the ground as she tries to brainstorm ideas.

Suddenly two grenades explode near the horde close to the waters. Naomi and Mitali get stunned at the sudden explosion. The explosion kills a few gorillas and disarrays the others.

Naomi comes back to her senses first. She grabs Mitalis hand and runs towards the water.

She says, "Mitali, take off your plate carrier and utility vest."

Both of them throw away their weapons and take off their plate carrier and utility vest. They reach the waters and jump in. They swim and get under the elevated wooden dock just before the gorillas reach close to the waters and open fire in the water.

As they try to catch their breath, Jacob's sudden voice startles them.

Jacob asks in a surprised voice, "What are you two doing here?"

Naomi and Mitali look towards the voice and see Jacob and Lt. Malhotra floating in front of them. Both of them had stabbed into the wooden pillar with their knives and were using it as an anchor.

Naomi and Mitali do so too. Naomi says, "Another crazy plan of the Captain. He made us run all the way to here from the middle of the island."

Mitali asks, "Did you blow those grenades at the shore?"

Jacob replies with a smug look, "We were hiding here when we suddenly heard gunshots. I got out to check what it was and saw you two sandwiched between two hoards of gorillas, looking all lost. So, I decided to help the poor souls a little. And threw those grenades."

Naomi shrugs, "It wasn't expected of you, but thanks. You did save our skin back there."

Mitali adds, "Yeah, thanks."

Jacob says in a sad tone, "Come on, Medusa. The first comment wasn't necessary."

Naomi and Mitali laugh together.

Lt. Malhotra suddenly speaks up. He was getting annoyed seeing the other three joke. He says in a passive-aggressive tone, "We're stuck under a damn pier for almost an hour and a half at this point. There are at least 100 gorillas waiting out there to kill us. And your captain went to the control centre alone. How can you people joke around like this?"

Jacob puts a hand on Lt. Malhotra's shoulder and says, "Calm down, dude. Gorillas can't swim. So, we should be safe as long as we're here. As for boss, I wouldn't worry about him that much if I were you. Boss will be okay."

Lt. Malhotra stares at Jacob. It's as if he's trying to look through the helmet and see his facial expressions. He stares blankly at Jacob for a few seconds and then smacks his hand off his shoulders. He murmurs to himself, "That's why I don't like kids."

Mitali asks, "Did you say something, lieutenant?"

"No, nothing."

"Oh. It's okay then."


Control Centre

As Naomi and Mitali lure the gorillas away, Sohel gets out of the bushes and gets to the control centre. He carefully searches for an entrance and finds a window. He takes out his knife, and with just a few presses on the corner with the knife, the window opens. He puts his knife back and jumps in.

He finds himself in a long corridor with two doors on boat ends. He thinks, "A UAV would've been a lifesaver now."

But he shrugs and says, "Bah. gotta go without it for now."

He follows his intuition and goes towards a door. Before getting close, he notices a CCTV camera in front of the door. He takes out his knife again and skilfully throws it towards the side of the CCTV. The knife's handle hits the side of the CCTV and rotates it a little. Sohel then carefully goes close to the door while evading the CCTV's line of sight. He picks the knife up and opens a door with his left hand while aiming his rifle through the door with his right hand.