Mission Report: Operation Rooppur

Objective: Investigate and thwart a potential uranium heist at the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant


01. Lt. Sohel Chowdhury (Ghost) - Squad Leader

02. ​Sgt. Naomi Kobayashi (Medusa) - Team Member

03. ​Sgt. Jacob Williams (Blast) - Team Member⁠

04. Mitali Roy - Civilian Asset (later recruited)

​Key Events:

- Team infiltrated the power plant under the guise of engineers

- Encountered hostile forces and engaged in combat

- Discovered involvement of Naser Siddique (former ally) in the heist plot

- ⁠​Disabled enemy communications jammer

- ⁠​Pursued target (Naser) attempting escape via helicopter⁠


- Mission objective partially achieved; uranium heist prevention failed

- High-value target (Naser Siddique) neutralized

- ​Significant casualties inflicted on enemy forces⁠

- Lt. Chowdhury severely injured, loss of left arm


- Multiple enemy combatants (KIA)

- ⁠​Sgt. Williams wounded, non-life-threatening

- ​Lt. Chowdhury severely injured (loss of left arm)

⁠​Intel Gathered: Evidence of larger conspiracy involving organization known as "New World Order"⁠