False Report

08th March 2032


Hotel Green Pacific, Sendai

Lola and Mimi entered the room, and Mimi quickly took off and threw her hoodie. She said, "Urgh. Never make me wear a hoodie in this heat ever again."

Ida was on the couch, just against the window, on her laptop. The drone that was carrying the flashbang flew through the window. As Ida caught the drone, she said, "Well, how else were you gonna hide your face?"

Lola sat in front of Ida as she said, "Cut those out. We got a problem in our hands. Someone hired those detectives. They're not here on vacation. I don't know for what reason they've been hired, but what I do know is that reason conflicts with our mission."

Ida asked, "So? What should we do about them?"

"Don't worry about them. SNA will take care of them. What we need to think about is how to find Shadow before he kills more people."

"Hmm. Mimi, any ideas?"

Both of them look for Mimi, only to find her in deep sleep on the bed.

Ida said, "Well, that's one less brain. What do you think we do?"

Lola thought for a while and then said, "Hmm. Ida, CCTV cameras. Run a scan. I'm sure at least one CCTV camera would've captured him. Or will capture him."

"Ok. I will start running scans."

"Good. Do that."


Hotel Green Pacific, Sendai

Sohel woke up to people knocking at his door. He was just wearing a pair of trousers and a white full-sleeve t-shirt. He slowly got up, put on his gloves, and opened the door. He got really confused just as he opened the door as he saw four people wearing police uniforms standing outside.

The policeman in front asked in a rigid manner, "Are you Mr. Sahil Chowdhury?"

Sohel replied, "Yes, I am. What brings you to me, officer?"

"We have reason to believe you're involved in attacking a JGSDF officer with the intent to kill. Do you know Lt. Ryoichi Kurojawa?"

"Yes, officer. I do. He's an old friend. He and I spent the later half of yesterday together. I'm here on vacation, and he proposed to show me around."


The officer indicated another policeman behind him, and the policeman swiftly entered the room and started running a search. Sohel quickly reacted at this and said, "Hey? You can't just search my room like this without a warrant."

The officer sternly replied, "An attempt to murder on an active-duty military official is a high-value case. We can and will search and enquire on any suspects without a warrant."

Sohel didn't say anything anymore and remained silent. Soon, the policeman searching Sohel's room reached the bed and found Sohel's M17 under the pillow. The policeman held the pistol up and said in a loud voice, "Sir, I found a pistol under the pillow."

The moment the policeman heard it, he said, "Sergeant, arrest Mr. Sahil Chowdhury. Mr. Chowdhury, we're going to have to detain you. You have the right to remain silent. I hope you'll cooperate with us."

Sohel remained silent. As the policeman was handcuffing Sohel, he said, "You got a pretty hard left hand, Mr."

Saying this, he took off Sohel's gloves, revealing his prosthetic arm. The first policeman said, "A prosthetic? Hmm."

The commotion had brought everyone to the floor outside. They handcuffed Sohel, and as they were taking him, Annabelle came out of her room. She freaked out the moment she saw Sohel handcuffed and asked, "Wait, officer. Where are you taking him? And why?"

The policeman said, "You know him, miss?"

"Of course I do. He's my boss."

"Well, miss, your boss is the prime suspect of a murder attempt on a JGSDF officer. Now, if you'll excuse us."

Annabelle wanted to say something else, but Sohel noticed the people around and interrupted Annabelle. He said, "It's okay, Ann. Can you just get my glasses?"

Annabelle calmed down and nodded. She ran to Sohel's room, came back with his glasses, and put them on him.

Sohel said, "Don't worry. Go meet with our friend. See you soon."

Annabelle nodded. As they reached the elevator, the Yu sisters came out of the elevator. They looked like they're coming back from the restaurant.

The policeman stopped seeing the Yu sisters. He extended his arm towards Lola and said, "Thanks for reporting what you witnessed to us. I hope you'll be there to testify in court."

Lola shaked the policeman's hand and said, "Sure. Just doing what's morally right."

Sohel had realised what was going on by then. Sohel whispered, "ARIA, scan for weapons."

As ARIA went to scanning mode, he looked at the sisters, and ARIA started scanning. It didn't take time for ARIA to detect two knives hidden under Mimi's skirt, each tied to her thighs with a strap.

Sohel smirked subconsciously. Lola noticed Sohel smirking and said, "We have plans, officer. Can we leave?"

The officer replied, "Sure. Sure. Thanks again."

Lola nodded, and the three of them went towards their room.

Just as the police left with Sohel, Ann ran back to her room and asked ARIA to locate Shimizu Kurokawa as she started to get ready.

She took off her pyjamas and wore black jeans with an Aquamarine blue shirt.

As she was buttoning her shirts, ARIA said, "Found Shimizu Kurokawa, Princess."

Ann frantically asked, "Where is he?"

"He's in Yao, Osaka."

Ann yelled, "Are you kidding me? Osaka? It's a 10-hour drive. Shite…..

Shite shite shite shite."

She quickly took her backpack, put her tablet in it, and ran outside.


The Estate Makati, Makati, Philippines

Naomi, Jacob and Sgt. Andrada got down on the 52nd floor of the building. They went and stopped in front of a door. The door had a door plate written, "52B"

After pressing the doorbell a while later, an old man, around his late 50s, opened the door. The man had side-brushed white hair and a sharp face.

The man welcomed the three, but just as Naomi looked at the man, "She felt dizzy."

Jacob noticed this and asked, "You alright, LT?"

Naomi handled himself and replied, "Yeah. I'm fine."

She extended her hand towards the man and said, "Lt. Medusa. I'll be in charge of your security for the summit tomorrow."

The man shook Naomi's hand and said, "Thanks for accepting my request. I'm Dr. Satoshi Ito. I'll be in your care. Let's talk inside."

Naomi nodded. The four of them went inside.