94th United Nations General Assembly

As everyone came online, the speaker started talking. He said, "Welcome, representatives of all the independent nations and one of the acting leaders of the Seven Nation Army. On 9th March 2032, at approximately 0500 Greenwich Mean Time, the 94th UN general assembly will start. I, Lucas Thompson, press secretary of UN secretary General Gareth Gonzales, will act as the presenter of the assembly. The topic of discussion in this assembly is the nuclear terror threat of Tatsuo Kuroshima, CEO of Kuroshima Industries and the Phoenix Company PMC, and his demands.

1st order of business, the questioning period. If any representative has any question that you want to ask Major General Sage, please raise your hand and speak once; you've been authorised."

Just as the speaker stopped talking, the German representative raised his hand. He clearly looked distraught. The speaker said, "First question by Dr. Reinhardt Stainer, representative of the Federal Republic of Germany. Please speak once the led in front of your mic turns green."

A few seconds later, the German representative spoke. His voice was full of despair, sadness and anger. He said, "11 seconds. That's exactly how long it took. I lost four and a half million of my people in just 11 seconds. Tell me, General. When we signed the Moscow Treaty, didn't you say you'd protect us from these types of threats? Take me, was it a mistake to trust you and your army? My capital is nothing but a radiation-filled wasteland now. Tell me, how am I supposed to stand up from this? Tell me. Tell me, please." He broke down crying. The other representatives all looked at the German representative with sorrowful eyes as they could do nothing but watch. Some people appeared in the German representative's holographic space and took him away. A few minutes later, he came back, his eyes red, and said, "I'm sorry for my pitiful display. But that's it for my question."

The speaker said, "It's okay, Mr. Stainer. We get your sorrow. Now, Major General Sage, please speak once the led in front of your mic turns green."

A few seconds later, Sage talked. She said, "Let me start by apologising. It's a clear mistake on our side that we weren't able to stop this from happening. It is true that when we presented the Moscow Treaty, we promised to help all signed nations in cases of crisis. And we stand true to that. Be assured, whatever happens, we won't let any more people die. But to stop this from happening again, we need your help. The nuke that exploded in Berlin was set up in the middle of the city. Knowing that Kuroshima most definitely didn't make it inside Germany, he never would've been able to plant it in the heart of the capital without inside help. We speculated this before, but now we're certain, Kuroshima or the New World Order has their supporters hidden in plain sight, working in many important places, making it easy for him to do all this. So please, along with us, I want you all to launch investigations to find and prosecute the supporters of NWO. No matter how powerful SNA is, we can't protect you unless you protect yourself. We can just provide support. And Dr. Stainer, believe me when I say, no matter what it takes, we will get Kuroshima. Just you wait and believe in us.

That'd be all. Thank you."

The speaker said, "Thanks for your answer, General. Now, does anyone else have any questions?"

The American representative raised her hand.

The speaker said, "Next question by Mrs. Lucinda Sinclair, representative of the United States of America. Please speak once authorised."

A few seconds later, she spoke. She asked, "I have just a simple question. How do you intend to deal with Kuroshima's demands?"

The speaker said, "General Sage. Answer once authorised."

A few seconds later, Sage said, "As you already know, he has two demands. One, the Moscow Treaty to be revoked. And two, the SNA coalition to be dissolved. We have no authority over the first demand, as it totally depends on the signed countries. If they deem to take their names off the treaty, then the treaty will be revoked. Our aim with the Moscow Treaty is to provide protection to those who need it; if they think they don't need us, we won't force them. As for the second demand, the Seven Nation Army isn't so weak that they have to give in to a mere terrorist's demands."

A smile appeared on the American representative's face.

The speaker asked, "Any more questions?"

As no one raised their hands, the speaker said, "I'll then move on to the polls. The question: Should the Moscow Treaty be revoked? Place your votes. I'll collect and announce the results in 30 minutes."

30 minutes later

The speaker said, "All 196 members have placed their votes. I'll now announce the results.

First, the only country to abstain from voting is the Federal Republic of Germany.

Next, 7 countries have voted in favour of the Moscow Treaty being revoked. The countries are: Republic of India, People's Republic of China, Ukraine, Canada, Republic of Korea, Federative Republic of Brazil, and the French Republic.

All 188 other countries voted against the revocation of the Moscow Treaty. Now, if any of you have anything to say, you can do so. I've given free authorisation to all."

General Sage said, "Thank you everyone for voting against the revocation. I promise that we won't betray your beliefs. Also… Mrs. Sinclair… "

"What? You're acting like you've seen a ghost," said Mrs. Sinclair.

Sage replied, "Oh. Nothing. It's just that your vote was unexpected. After how much the US opposed the treaty during its early days."

"Well,yeah. The concept of the Moscow Treaty felt really fishy back then. Even now, if the power that SNA has falls in the hands of the wrong person, that'd be the end of the free world as we know it. But the United States of America doesn't make deals with terrorists. The same goes for all the other countries too. It's true that NWO and the nukes that they've placed pose a serious threat. But everyone knows that if the Moscow Treaty gets revoked because of this, the conflict that's going to come after would be far more devastating. As they say, keep your friends close and enemies closer. Isn't that correct, everyone?"

A synchronised cheer by all the representatives said, "Absolutely."

"Now go ahead and do what you've promised to do."

General Sage felt overwhelming emotions as she said, "Thanks for your cooperation, everyone. I promise you, SNA will preserve the peace of the free world with everything we have. Thank you."

General Sage left the virtual space. The speaker said, "With this, the 94th United Nations General Assembly comes to an end. Thanks to all the representatives for participating. Meet you all next time."