Finally, after two days of staying in the city, the two hundred-plus newly recruited survivors could now be found packing their things up ready to leave the place while feeling great excitement and hope to arrive soon at the promised base that Zach had used to persuade them knowing that it would be a long way to go.
It was noon when they were done clearing the place and were now slowly heading outside the city as if they were migrating upon seeing their numbers. All of them were in good condition as they had properly eaten and rested for the last two days except for those who had joined them late, but it was already enough to push them to keep moving.
"What do you think will happen to those two?" Isabelle suddenly asked while thinking about the two leaders who had rejected Zach's offer to join him and leave the place. In fact, she already had an answer in her heart, but she just refused to say it.
"They will probably continue to live, right?" Viktor replied as he thought that nothing would change since those two and their groups were one of the strongest in the city. Their leaving would probably not affect them much since they have been minding their own business all this time.
"They will live for a while." Zach, however, countered Viktor's remark which he then just thought that Viktor's insights weren't that good upon not understanding the division of power in the city.
"For a while? Why?" Viktor was confused and asked.
"Just like what happened to you and your group. They would probably be picked on by the other group from now onwards knowing that you two have already left the city." Zach then just gave him a brief explanation as to what would happen.
Hearing Zach, Isabelle then just nodded as she also thought the same since there was no way those tyrants would not do anything to them. It might not be for a while, but it will definitely happen, and when that happens, they will be facing continuous attacks that will make them regret not joining them to leave the city.
On the other hand, Viktor was surprised upon hearing Zach's explanation as it was only then he finally understood the severity of their rejection. He then just couldn't help but feel that his decision to join them was the only choice that they had in the first place.
"I think this place is already enough. Zoey, are Adam and Eve still not around?" Zach then just stopped as they had finally arrived on plain ground and thought that there was no need to walk for more distance since he didn't plan on heading back to the base on foot. He, however, was just hesitating to leave as Adam and Eve still could not be seen.
"Not yet. Just where did those two have wander to?" Zoey answered while also feeling worried about them since they have already been part of their family ever since in the beginning and seeing them wandering away from them makes her feel bad.
"Do you still have companions who haven't returned yet? Should we look for them?" Isabelle said after hearing their conversation. She then just wondered who are those two seeing that they looked very worried and concerned.
"No need. They are more than capable of looking after themselves. Let us just wait here for half an hour and when there are still no signs of them, we will then leave." Zach decided since he knew full too well the evolution of the two dogs and knew what kind of beast they had become after evolving, he instead more worried about the people who would see them.
With that, Zach and the large group of survivors with him stayed and rested for a little while in the area and when the time was up, each then was told to get ready as it was now time again to move however, what they all didn't expect was the fact that Zach suddenly taking out ten huge trucks in front of them.
"Did you think that we would be moving on foot? It will probably take us weeks just to get to the base. Riding a vehicle was faster and more convenient." Zach then just said as he had bought them directly from the system store in order for them to get back to the base as early as possible as he already missed Jenny and his mother.
On the other hand, Isabelle, Viktor, James, the rest of the survivors, and even the Rangers were completely shocked by what Zach just did. They all immediately thought about just how many Evolution Coins he really had to afford such things since they could all see that they were brand new.
"Remember what I told you. Don't ask any questions as to where they came from. That is the very rule of the base." Zach said to Viktok and Isabelle before immediately telling Ethan and Carl to fill the truck with fuel while also looking for other people to drive the others since this was not the time to feel surprised as they still had a long way to go back.
With that, each and everyone finally settled as they divided themselves and climbed on the truck, and not long after that, the sounds of their huge vehicles echoed after they finally started moving while Zach and the rest of the Rangers drove their Humvees as they guided them on the way.
Meanwhile, a small number of people could be found just outside the city with surprised expressions on their faces as they stare at the leaving trucks with loads of survivors. These people were none other than the two leaders and a number of them were men who had rejected Zach's offer before. They were actually just curious and wanted to see them leave the city but after seeing those big trucks, they couldn't help but wonder if what Zach had said was really the truth.
Still standing outside the city, the group then suddenly heard barking sounds, and they immediately put their guards up before they saw two large dogs pass them as they ran in haste to the direction where the trucks were heading.
"W-What was that?" One of the leaders asked as he couldn't believe what he just saw.
"I-I think it's a dog." The other leader replied while also feeling the same.
As the two leaders still kept on looking in the distance, another sound coming from their backs woke them up, and there they saw some of their men injured while calling for their help.
"Boss! The camp has been attacked!" One of the injured men said in a hurry as he looked at his boss with great fear and worry as they weren't attacked by just one group after he saw faces of the other group attacking their camp together.
Hearing the injured man, the leader the man was talking to then immediately asked for more details before he hurriedly left the place and headed back to their camp to see if they could still defend the place while the other leader promised to lend him a hand.
Time passed by and night came. Zach and the rest of the survivors with him had already covered quite a distance before they finally stopped on the road so they could eat dinner and probably rest for the night and continue moving tomorrow morning.
Right now, Zach could be found surrounding a small fire together with Zoey, Hannah, Sophia, Ethan, Carl, James, Viktor, and Isabelle. They could be found eating but the last three were completely silent as they stared at the huge dog eating behind Zach's back because aside from not expecting that Adam and Eve were not human but their pet instead, it was also their first time seeing an animal for a long time added by the fact that their size was just too abnormal.
"We will probably arrive the day after tomorrow at the earliest if we don't encounter any problems on the road." Zach said upon thinking that they would probably take that long in order to get back since they also need to stop and rest from time to time so they won't get uncomfortable riding on the truck.
"Now that we are already on the topic. I have forgotten to tell you that all the people here would be screened and interviewed back to the base." Zach followed upon looking at the more than two hundred survivors with them this time since he pretty still didn't know their story up until now.
"Interviewed? What for?" Isabelle snapped back as he looked at Zach seriously as she never thought that there was still such a thing knowing that he hadn't told them that for the past two days while they were together.
"It's nothing that serious really. We were just doing this so that we would know the stories and experiences you have all this time all the while giving work to those who have professions and skills that would greatly help the base." Zach answered but he didn't say anything about expiring those who have committed something that would not benefit the base.
"And what will happen to those who don't have a profession and skills to offer? Will they be treated differently?" Viktor suddenly asked worriedly since he himself was still unemployed when the calamity happened.
"No. The survivors of the base have their own roles to play, especially now that the farm is quite understaffed. There are many of work to be done, so you don't have to worry. Also, you can just join the Rangers if you didn't like the work you were given." Zach answered without any lies. Also, even if they were not working inside, just their presence alone was already a great help in times of trouble.
"Rangers? What was that?" Viktor curiously asked upon hearing such a thing. It was also the same with Isabelle thinking what kind of work it was to have such a name.
"Well. It was actually a name I have come up with for the people who decided to be trained to protect the base. Ethan here is a former military and together with him was Mike who was back in the base. They were the ones who were training the Rangers how to use guns and everything about warfare. Carl, Sophia, and the rest of the people here with me were all part of the Rangers." Zach replied and explained slowly.
This time, the three were completely surprised as they all looked at Ethan who was eating quietly in front of them not knowing that he was a former military man before the world changed however, what was more surprising to them was the fact that he was taking orders from Zach which was making them feel that there really must have been a reason as to why they were so loyal to him.
"Well. I will probably join the Rangers as I have no skills to offer." Viktor then just decided since it was also not that different from what he and his companions were doing before meeting Zach and his group.
"Me too." Isabelle also decided not because she doesn't have the skill to offer but because she doesn't like to feel protected.
Hearing the silence, everyone then just looked at James who immediately felt a bit embarrassed after being stared at, so he put down his plate and stared back at them with a wry smile.
"For me. I don't know if my skills were useful as I was only a mechanic in the past." James then said while also probably thinking of joining the Rangers since he thought Zach might be looking for professionals like doctors and engineers, not the likes of him who was only good at looking after vehicles.
"That's great since we don't have that many mechanics in the base. Join the Rangers since only they can use and drive the vehicles that we have. Not only you can show your skills but you can also learn more about how to fight and protect yourself." Zach was quite delighted upon hearing James' profession knowing how timely he had joined them knowing that they needed such skill to help them look after the vehicles that they were using all the time.
With that, the night then continued as they talked to each other wanting to get to know more of each other before they finally took a rest as they were still early tomorrow not knowing that there was something big that was happening to the city that they just left.