Chapter one

🥀 The court🥀

Mona high court of Justice , full of lawyers reporters ,jurymen and spectators attracted by the sensational nature of the case , the personalities involved and the publicly given it in the press.

  Moses silently walked into the noisey court room, his head held high and his slender fingers on his tie.

   His movement was neither fast nor slow

but was bold enough to attract the attention of few certain person's, his eyes wondered  round the court room staring at the reporters whom were busy taking photos of all sides.

" You're late "

Mr Johnson voice out staring at Moses who approached while standing in front of him with a smirk

" Morning to you Johnson "

He replied back not caring as he sat down comfortably dropping his suitcase on the small table.

" I can't afford to lose this case "

He muttered under his breath his hands on his phone which he placed in his pocket with a trouble expression

" Don't worry everything has been taken care of "

Moses replied taking off his glasses stylishly which attracted Johnson attention who sneer

" That's what you said on the first trail a week ago "

He said in disbelief regretting his choice of a lawyer

" You worry too much sir

just sit back and relax you will see "

He assured Johnson who frowned at his words

" Order ! Order ! "

The ushers yelled as the court fall silent, everybody rises and remains standing until the judge takes his seat .

" Call for first case "

The judge voice out catching everyone attention

" Case No 1. State versus Johnson and three others "

The registrar yelled

" Mr Johnson ! "

The usher called out as a police man and a woman lead the  accused person into a small box and asks to remain standing as the registrar reads the charge .

After reading of the charge

   Counselor for the prosecutor Mr Antonio a tall, slim man young man named James in a black cloth raised up .

" Guilty or not guilty ? "

Antonio asked Mr Johnson who frowned before staring sideway at the judge

" Not guilty "

He voice out not very loudly

" What are the facts of the case "

The judge asked his eyes scanning the hall silently before landing on Antonio

" Your lordship and members of the jury ,  the fact are these  :

In reaction to the article

Is that of Mr Johnson who has been charged for molesting and murdering a minor whom was later found with the help of officer Paul,

in one of Mr Johnson bar pallor

  That's the fact of the case , my Lord . With your permission I shall now call for a witness .

Mrs Williams Sarah ! "

" Mrs Williams Sarah ! "

The ushers called out as a middle aged old woman steps into the witness box .

  The court clerk comes to the front witness box.

" Are you Christian or a Muslim ? "

He asked only for her to reply

" Christian "

Holding a Bible tyer to him

" Take this Bible in your hands and repeat after me , I swear by almighty God that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth "

The clerk said only for her to repeat the same words

" What's your name ? "

  Antonio asked his brown eyes locked on hers

" Williams Sarah "

She replied casually 

" Where you the one who made the report against

Mr Johnson ? "

He asked her who nodded

" Yes I did "

She replied

" Why ? "

Antonio asked the more watching her take in a deep breath fearfully

" Am one of the house mald of Mr Johnson one afternoon Mr Johnson employee bought in a girl who was later employee as his personal mald . 

   Esther who was just sixteen was always sexually harassed

by Mr Johnson every day "

She said which made everyone murmured

" Order ! in the court "

The usher yell causing everyone to fall silent

" My Lord I will like to ask some questions to the witness ? "

He asked modestly

" Please proceed "

The judge voice out

" Mrs Williams Sarah do you have evidence for your calm that my client sexually harassed the desert Esther "

Moses asked while standing walking in front of mrs Williams Sarah

" No but am a witness to it all "

She defended

" Is that so then why didn't you report to the police then ? "

He asked catching her off guard

" Well - - - "

" My Lord my client is being framed for a crime he didn't do "

Moses yelled pointing at her who suck in the cold air

" My Lord if you don't mind I will like to ask a question to the witness yet again "

" Please proceed "

He agreed for Moses who adjust his suit while asking

" Mrs Williams Sarah few months before the incident Mr Johnson had fired you due to theft are you doing this for revenge ? "

He asked causing her to gush in shock

" Objection my Lord he's asking a question which doesn't concern the case at hand "

Antonio yelled only to be ignored

" Please proceed "

The judge allowed

" No I had witnessed all the evidence he did and for him to shut me up he had threatened me with my son and fired me through the process "

She replied hastedly

" Do you have evidence for this calm as well ? "

He asked yet again only for her to kept silent

" So I thought anyway I will like to ask as to why you had arrived back to Mr Johnson home when you were carely fired ? "

He asked yet again

" Because Esther had called me for help but when I got there I couldn't find anyone only stained of bloods "

She replied her voice filled with regrets .

" Or could it be that you killed her and pin point the blame to my client ? "

He asked which made her pupils shook in shock looking round the court .

" No I would  never  "

She yelled loudly only for Antonio to stand

" Objection my Lord ! This is certainly that is a very cruel thing said by my learned colleague to the lady before us . I request your lordship to restrain him from further vulgarism and insinuations "

" Objection granted defend counsel , you will please refine from using vulgar words  "

The judge spoke lazily staring down at Moses who look away

" Yes your lordship "

" Bring in Mr Paul as a witness "

The judge voice out

" Am sorry my Lord but he's not here in the court "

Moses informed the judge who nodded

" Very well then "

He said staring at the usher to call the accused.

" Mr Johnson ! "

The usher called out for Mr Johnson to leave the dock and goes into the witness box .

The court clerk comes to the front and parrot the traditional swearing ceremony

"  What is your name and age ? "

Moses asked his client

" Johnson and am 46 "

He replied simply staring at Moses who ignored his stare

" And your occupation ? "

He continue

" Am the vice chairman of the US club and the CEO of silver pills company "

Johnson replied casually with the hit of proud

" How long have you been on the job ? "

Moses asked yet again

" Six years "

He replied quickly

' Are you married or not ? "

He asked Johnson who nodded

" Hmm yes I even have a daughter "

" How old is she ? "

Moses further asked Johnson who seems confused as well

"( 16 ) sixteen "

He replied palely

" Why can't I find your family in the court "

He asked only for Johnson to sigh

" Both at the hospital my wife is ill so my daughter is caring for her "

He explained simply

" Have you ever been involved in such cases ? "

He asked Johnson who shook his head

" No "

He replied quickly as well for Antonio to yell

" Objection my Lord am afraid my learned colleague is missing the point while asking such question "

Antonio yelled only for the judge to stared at Moses calmly

" Mr defence counsel can you come to the point ? "

He asked Moses who took a step forward

" My Lord my client who has never been involved in such thing how can he dare hurt a girl his daughter age ? "

Moses asked Antonio who frowned  

" My Lord my client is clearly not guilty for such a crime but still dragged into court to stained his reputation "

Moses yelled which made the judge nodded for Antonio to sneer

" Then explained to us how did the body ended up into Mr Johnson bar pallor ? "

He asked Moses who approached his suitcase taking out a few white shit of papers  submitting each on both the judge and Antonio who look down on it .

" It started there that the bar pallor had been sold two years ago to another client, who is clearly being interrogated as we speak

   and as the deceased Esther her autopsy results calmed that she had drank down poison which was the cause of her death.

  in other words it's Know as sucidal even the note she wrote on is already with the police "

Moses continue throwing another logic after the other

" It's all lie "

A lady who looked hagged and paled yelled catching all their attention .

" Order ! in the court "

The usher yell causing a nearby boy to hug her consoling her silently so as the woman besides her .

Looking at the jury who were murmuring among themselves staring at the countess evidence he nodded  before staring at Johnson

" Due to the evidence provided by the accused he is set free from lack of evidence and would be paid for the damage he had gone through "

The judge voice out which startled everyone including Antonio who wanted to say more but was interrupted by the yelling of the lady .

" Order ! in the court "

The usher informed 

Stands up with paper in Hands was the registrar who voice out

" Members of the jury ( addressing the jury directly ) ,

You are agreed on your

verdict ? "

He asked the jury who looked at each other

" We agreed "

The foreman of the jury spoke while the rest nodded

" Is it guilty or not guilty ? "

The registrar asked

" Not guilty "

Johnson sigh while smiling while the lady yelled in agony and pain

" My Lord this is not Justice my daughter didn't kill herself "

The last cried her eyes out to be ignored by the judge who stood.

" Court arise "

The usher informed while standing so as everyone watching the judge walked out

" Court dismiss "

He yelled again as everyone stared murmuring while leaving the court room .

" Wow congrats we won "

Moses informed the happy Johnson who laughed catching Antonio attention who sneer walking away .

" Let's go celebrate "

Johnson suggested only for Moses to decline

"You should be careful next time I won't help "

He informed coldly only for Johnson to tap his shoulder while laughing

" You are really one of a kind "

He said walking away only for Moses to dust his shoulder in disguest arranging his stuff and ready to leave only to be slapped on his face .

" You bastard "

She yelled loudly in tears catching everyone attention

" Mother ! "

The boy call out softly still staring daggers at Moses who sighed

" Am definitely not a bastard

ma and beside this is just the court the winner gets it all "

He voice out wanting to leave

" Just the I lose mine you will also lose someone that I curse you "

She yelled only for him to ignored walking out the court into the hallway with a blank expression.