Chapter 4

Aghar is very sad seeing whatever happens to Anu, he starts thinking to save her.

Then he looks outside but he does not see anything, then he thinks that even after such a big terrorist attack, why is there no police or army, he gets worried a lot.

Aghar abandons his intention to go out and thinks of going across building.

He starts climbing on the roof and he reaches up.

There were three terrorists, out of which only one was the one who was monitoring the children below.

It is from the agar that how did that remedy come, so the agar says, what smelled it to you. Both terrorists point guns at him and say that they kill him wherever.

So the terrorist who came from below says that I see this, he throws the magazine of his gun and starts fighting with his hands.

Both fight for a long time and injure each other.

In the end, when the terrorist thinks that he is the loser, he tells the terrorist that he will throw you down from above.

Aghar says where is anu, terrorist says which Anu are you talking about, Aghar says that the one who broke your head dog.

The terrorist says that both of you will meet soon but after killing you near the above, he will soon kill him too.

Aghar gets very angry, he catches her and throws her down from the building.

The rest of the terrorists are about to shoot at him, but he turns back and burns them with the power of fire.

He starts thinking how did he do this, he did not remember at all that he had used fire power before.

Going a little ahead of the building, he would see that the Tarristus has occupied not one but three buildings and the surrounding roads.

He sees Terrorist's leader Rehman dispatches a speaker drone to an outpost outside his area and says that we demand that we give us eight thousand kilograms of gold and release our brothers that I have held recently.