Chapter 14

Rohit, Sara and all the children were ready to go to the protector wearing warm clothes, then Ekansh looks into Sara's mind and sees the place, so that he can reach there as soon as possible.

Then Ekansh shows the place to Junifer and Junifer opens the portal and everyone reaches the second house of the protector under Anand Parvat.

The protector comes to know about this and he wakes up from his meditation and leaves to meet him.

Rohit, Sara and all the kids wait for a long time at protector house but finally he comes back home after 2 hours, Rohit hugs protector then he tells protector the names of all the kids and tells him that we I have to talk to you a lot.

protector says we talk while drinking tea, protector knew everything about Aghar, then Aghar tells him the story from fighting with terrorist to the next.

Then she Junifer tells the protector that we have to meet Lord Cyrus, Junifer tells the protector that he was suddenly attacked by a demon named Morcius with his entire army.

He wanted to take the power of Queen Cyra so that someone easily captures any place, and he has now captured Queen Cyrae, Queen Ivo, and King Torus.

Junifer tells that before Morsius binds them, they bequeath us to earth with their powers, with the belief that you will definitely help us, morcius will definitely come after us, no matter how long it takes.

The protector tells Junifer that I can't introduce you to Cyrus because I myself don't know where he has gone, I have been trying to talk to him for ages but till date I have not been able to trace him.

Junifer says should we wait for death now, the protector says that there is another way other than this, just a little hard work will have to be done in it.