Chapter 21

The next day at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, three spaceships appear in the sky of Egypt, in which there were a total of 10 people, Morcius left his entire army behind and brought only 9 people with him.

These people were the most dangerous weapons of Morcius.

He starts destroying Egypt in the hope that Junifer and his fugitive friends will come there in an attempt to save the people, but it does not happen and he kills many innocent people there.

During this, this news spreads all over the world.

Rohit and Sara were also watching this news on TV, as soon as they come to know that some unknown spaceships have attacked, they both call Aghar on hearing this and tell him about the news.

After destroying his spaceship in a few moments, Morcius now started moving towards the east.

The military army was also unable to do anything, so the government ordered to launch missiles at that spaceship when it was seen anywhere.

Junifer also tracks Morcius from her spaceship and they find him too, she tells this news to Rakshak and then everyone gets ready to fight, except protector.

The protector says that he cannot go with them because they have to find King Cyrus, so Aghar and his friends decide to go alone.