Moses 2

I ran after Meda but couldn't find the girl, instead accidentally bumped into another girl and when she saw me, she tried to touch my face, and…

You dare touch a Prince of Egypt?, Moses cried out and pushed the woman who fell down hard on the ground. A man came up to intercede when Moses was about to slap the woman in front of him. Forgive her my Lord! She must've mistaken you for someone we lost a long time ago, he added standing in front of the woman who is still down and helped her up to leave the prince's sight so as not to get whipped for their insolence of a royalty.

Wait! Who did you lose?, the girl and man about to walk away when Moses asked and as if curious about them. His heart is overflowing with peace having this little talk with them. The feeling is like speaking to someone he had been looking for ever since he can remember. Our brother!, the man said smiling. I am Aaron, your majesty and this is my sister, Miriam. We were just walking to the river to get water to prepare for our breakfast, would you like to join us….

Ah, yes, ah no!!!, but I am Moses!, the prince said cutting his tongue. He saw them as if seeing himself in them. Their color is the same as his and he has a mustache which looks the same as this Aaron but his is overgrown. He looked as if he came from their lineage, but why is he an Egyptian. Yes, we know!

Okay, then!, Moses' reply with a smile, since he couldn't refuse a kind gesture. Moses was wearing white Egyptian khalt and kilt with gold trimmings in them. He forgot to wear his neme since running after a Midianite woman earlier to ask her about the people she was talking about, the people that Egypt is enslaving right now.

Jochebed was already preparing the kettle for hot water while kneading bread for their breakfast. Miriam and Aaron need to go to the toiling grounds for their jobs building one of the pyramids in front of Pharaoh's palace in an hour. So she needs to hurry cooking. The vizier Hemiunu's assistant will not be very happy if they were late, or they'll get the whip or no stale, cold food for the day.

Good morning, mother, we have a visitor!, Miriam said happily, excited to see their mother's face (which she managed to hide successfully), for all of them longed for Moses return. So, have you both fetched the water and got me some figs….ehrr…..

"Sabah al Khair!" (good morning), Moses said nervously and wanting to leave the place since every one's acting all weird in front of him, which is typical having a prince of Egypt enter their home like this. I need to get going, thank you for your kindness!

No, wait, your highness. Please stay!, Jochebed said stunned, then halted with what she's doing and moved closer to see Moses in flesh and blood. Is it okay to touch your face, Prince Moses?

Ah, yes, go ahead, ma'am!, Moses replied feeling strange. I told you he will come back to us, mother!, Miriam added which made Moses confused. What? Why would I need to come here? I can have you whipped for your disrespect of a Prince!

Yes, we know Prince that's why we placed you in a weaved basket and tried to save you from Pharaoh's orders to kill every male baby boy in the land except for Egyptians. I was the one who secretly let you escape down the river to meet Princess Bithiah, your Egyptian mother. We are your true family Moses and God has promised to deliver Israel from Egypt through you, Miriam continued. Aaron was trying to stop her but she insistently brought it out plainly. Moses' eyes grew and slapped Miriam. You insolent woman, get out of my way! I can have you flagged to death because of this lie. Moses shouted in disbelief and ran as far as he could to get away from Aaron, Miriam and Jochebed, the Israelites dilapidated homes, away from the palace, away from himself, the truth and it scared him so much he wanted to die right then and there.

Ramses was looking for his brother Moses when he saw his little brother's face wet and clothes full of dirt. Brother, where have you been! Father is looking for you about the construction. Are you going there wearing those, haha? Why are you looking like you had a rough day, where's that Midianite woman. Haha! I guess you had so much fun, you got dirt all over you?, Ramses joked and bumped his shoulder to Moses who managed to smile but moved along without any more reaction. What???, Ramses asked curiously.

No, I am an Egyptian prince, but why is it that when they told me I am a Jew I felt my heart leap for joy, yet, I love Egypt and I love my family here. I could never be anywhere else than the place I grew up in and learned to love, and Ramses, no!!!!! No, no, no!!!!, Moses said now sobbing while taking his majestic bath. He now walks in the middle of the grandest, tallest statuesque outside walls of the palace. The hieroglyphics that father the Pharaoh taught me about Ancient Egypt and my line, my throne as the Prince. How can I be a slave when I lived a life of a prince?

Moses asked to have an audience with Bithiah. BIthiah is so delighted to be visited by her son that she hugged him full of love and miss. Why would my son visit his mother at this early? It is always a pleasure seeing your beautiful face and proud countenance as prince of Egypt!, Bithiah added smiling. 'Mut!' (mother). Who is my real family? Are you my real mother?, Moses asked all of a sudden, without even answering Bithiah's question.

Moses!?, Bithiah said speechless. But though it was hard for her to lie about his true origin. She lied and said Moses is her son. Don't lie to me Mut? I love you and you owe me this truth.

True he is and treated him as his real son, yet, she found him many years ago in the river and took care of him after that.