Militant & gods

"Saba in noor", Queen Hensupta replied smiling. Both leaders sat on the long dining table and watched 'trf' where two men danced masculinely. Men and women are never seen dancing in the ancient Egypt. So, Henshupta wanted to have something different and asked her women soldier friends to do a fighting dance for the general. I researched that General Ami has a liking for women especially warriors. Egyptian soldiers Belima and Undra fought using their own special weapons of choice. Belima used her traditional knives and Undra, her swords. Both moved like in a trance dance with the sound of our ancient music which depicts a Circaa. Belime ran and charged her knives against Undra who tried to block her so as not to get sliced by the sensitive weapons. General Ami's eyes are so engrossed that she couldn't eat. I smiled at her and nodded my head when she looked at me delighted for my gift to her. And if she gets very lucky, two of my finest soldiers which is Belima and Undra can bed her too later.

At the edge of Afterlife..

General Asim Ur of the Infantry, General Gyasi Om of the Chariotry and General Omari Amne came in late since just finished conquering cities with the Hyksos, Libyans and Macedonians. Egypt is yet to own the Nubians, Persians and more. Achaemenids, Assyrians and Nubians are the lone cities that Egypt hasn't conquered yet but soon. Egypt's social pyramid which consists of Pharaoh being on top, government officials, soldiers, priests, scribes and artisans in the middle and peasants at the bottom, comprised how Egypt maintained its power in the world until the new generations came. But Henshupta want to change the social pyramid and make native Egyptians rich and not stay peasants all their lives. So, with her scribes and artisans help she created groups to teach those poor individuals Egyptian or not and train them during wee hours for free. Hensupta called it Specialized Workers who trade in the Nile. Then, she made her cities more advanced growing out farming villages of the Nile. Some were built for complex institutions, where the government improved the organization by, providing food for its people, the world, and, honing religion life.

Hieroglyphics were best known to this very age and Henshupta created a more sophisticated way of keeping historical accounts and events-keeping using sounds, colors and papyrus materials to write on called a diary or journal in the future. Henshupta and her engineers made solar calendars more accurate, colorful and science became more advanced alongside medicine with the help, expertise of the scribes.

General Asim who had a meeting with Pharaoh Henshu smiled at her, but steadily keeps an eye at General Ami of Nubia. She is so glad to join the pharaoh at the banquet and while the dancers entertained them, she talked about Nubia and their meets on keeping the peace between them and Egypt. However, their council elders are questioning the pharaoh's thoughts on

We never talked about the war and my plans to gain Nubia peacefully or violently. General Ami and I walked in my gardens under the bright moonlight which I believe to be lucky since I am god of the moon. We laughed on the simplest jokes she told and I liked being around her, she looks radiant in her military armor of black and grey, her hair in a pony and her face not so dark but pretty and poised. The general is six years older than me and she opened up how hard her life was as a soldier and becoming the general for the Prince. I told her that I to had a tough childhood, training and living in toil since my father was preparing me to become pharaoh which was not really entered my mind at a very young age of seven.

The general excused herself for wanting to be called Ami, by her first name, which admired about her and her humility. She said that she trained when she was five, was taken away from her family sooner than she thought since she is very attached to her mother. She said that she cried almost every day missing her mother but with the grief she used it to face the pains of being punched or tortured in practice. Alas, Ami was able to hold a sword and brawl at the age of seven. She became a soldier at the age of eleven and made an officer at thirteen. She was promoted as general when she turned nineteen this year, and led an army to fight the Hittites recently and conquered them. I am proud of her and she smiled when she heard me congratulating her in the middle of our conversation.

General Asim is on the watch at the palace grounds though there are guards all over the palace, he didn't want to leave Pharaoh in the puny hands of this newbie. That though the general is young and new, she is deadly for she is known to kill kings in one blow. 

I thanked her for coming to talk about the peace between Egypt and Nubia, but Ami stopped walking and said that the Prince of Miam didn't want the peace talks to push through. I told her that I have no choice but to fight and wage war against them if that happens. Ami stood quiet before me and smiled.

Then, my lordship, I will see you in the battle field!, General Ami said, bowed her head down before me and left. She isn't that lucky after all, Ami just turned down my offer and right then and there, asked me to fight her, her army in a war Egypt will never forget. As pharaoh, I can't refuse a challenge but as a new found friend I won't hurt her as much as she'll hurt me, but the gods will be done! The gods will be done. Ami, why you need to be so stubborn and damn cute that I need to fight you at war, ahhhh! This part is where I hate being pharaoh and god of Egypt, I told myself when I laid on my bed thinking about Ami and her challenge. I like her, I don't think I can fight her!, Henshupta realized with mixed emotions and not being able to sleep because of what Ami told her. She's trying my patience, this is unacceptable. But she is the general and I as a pharaoh can't back down from a challenge. Haa…but this is so unreal, I like her a lot. What to do???


Anubis and Wepwawet made their way to their dungeon. It's so cold, dead and lonely. But war is one way to be able to collect souls. And as gods of death and bridge to the afterlife, they both knew that they are important to make sure that the pharaohs, leaders and heads of Egypt be able to pass the bridge and live in the afterlife with no setbacks, no baggage from their lives when they were still alive.