Pharoah queen missed

It's been a year and a half and still, no sign of Queen Henshupta. Meraek had been missing the pharaoh that she gave in to General Jardin0Ur's advances when he tried to kiss her one time on the garden. But the thought of Henshu creeped in her mind that she asked Jardin-Ur to leave her alone to reflect on how things are in her life now and how important Henshupta is to her. But she didn't know if the queen will ever come back, so she decided to try a relationship with Jardin-Ur.

After six months, General Jardin-Ur and Meraek got engaged the same time when Henshupta is accepted by Prince Hekanefer as an ally to Kingdom Kush of Nubia. Egypt and the council elders were so happy with the union and some already betted on General to assume the throne of Queen Henshupta as pharaoh, since she has been away for almost two years now.

Henshupta asked the prince to let her go so she could go back to her country to assume position of pharaoh. Prince Hekanefer pledged his life to protect the pharaoh, as an ally and friend of Egypt and will be visiting the queen in a couple of weeks at Kingdom Kush after he wins a battle against the Hittites. Spia, Jardin-Ur's spy saw everything , She's been following the prince for months now and she knew that if Queen Henshupta returns Egypt, it'll be hard for the general to become the new pharaoh with her on the way.

Sakhbe helped Henshupta prepare her things for her travel to return Egypt after two weeks. When Henshupta asked Sakhbe to walk in the Kush's gardens which the queen loves so much, Sakhbe said that she'll follow her in a minute. Henshupta will definitely miss the place and of course the prince, who have a soft spot now in her heart.

Who is there?, I shouted and readied myself to fight whoever he or she is. It's me your highness!, a woman's voice said calmly. Don't be afraid, General Jeardin0Ur sent me to seek for you.

Henshu, hey! Where are you?, Sakhbe called out and when Henshupta was about to call the princess.

I am Spia and I am here to capture you!!!, it's nice to meet you pharaoh!, Spia said. Now, Henshupta is seventeen and she has improved in her strength and skill as a swordsman. Hekanefer has taught her new skills in fighting that she is able to use to protect herself and Sakhbe. Henshupta sculpt her way out of the sack cloth that Spia placed her in and kicked the woman in front of her while riding her horse. Sakhbe followed them, when she saw Henshupta alright she ordered the guards to close the kingdom's big metal gates so Spia won't be able to escape.

Sakhbe threw an arrow to hit Spia on the gut but to no luck, she was so fast on her horse riding that she wasn't able to aim on the right spot. Henshupta moved quickly when she got out of the sack and grabbed Spia at the back and pulled her to jump off the horse and roll down the ground, like fighting in jujitsu way. Spia is the number one contender to defeat many contenders on ground fighting and she will not lose to Henshupta now. Spia twisted Henshupta's arm and about to break it when Sakhbe hit Spia on the shoulder that lost her grip to break the queen's arm. Oww….!!!!!, Spia cried out and took the arrow out of her shoulder. I wouldn't do…..ahh…that…if I were you!, Sakhbe warning Spia but she already took the arrow out where a sudden gush of blood flowed prufiously. Henshupta then moved fast to tear off a part of her clothes end and wrapped around Spia's shoulder to stop the bleeding and save her life.

Why are you doing this? I am a Hittite and your enemy?, Spia asked while Sakhbe took her by the arm and placed her at the back or her horse. You are my enemy but I am queen pharaoh, I can absolve anyone even if you are an enemy to Egypt and a spy that I have been seeing roaming around Nubia and the Kush for quite some time now. Remember that I created the spies for Egypt's espionage team. You are one of our best spies, but General Jardin-Ur certainly used you for his selfish demands to be my successor. He is my best friend but I know him. He might be brains washed by my council elders. And that's what I want us to find out with your assistance. You, Spia will help us to defeat the elders so I can go back to Egypt with the answers to questions that I have been waiting for this long to be resolve ever since I started to rule over Egypt for several years now.

Spia got a uncalled shock of her life about how the pharaoh knew their moves. No wonder she is queen and pharaoh to Egypt. She already knew what will happen before they would actually happen. Sakhbe laughed and took Spia to surgery which one of the doctors use bronze surgical tools consist of pincers, spoons, saws, forceps, hooks, knives, and containers with burning incense. The doctor or Hesy Ra let Spia chew bitter herbs to have that numbing effect on her half body which took effect at about fifteen minutes. Hesy Ra used a clamp to stop Spia's blood flow and a lancet to open the vein which hit by the arrow and cleaned it with a sponge and boiled clean water from the Nile. The doctor then stitched the wound using a long pointed thing like a thorn and used a scissor to cut the thread. His assistant used a weighing scale and mixed the herbs to serve as medicine for the wound and placed bandages of linen to cover it to avoid swelling or bugs to irritate it. Hesy Ra then gave Spia thyme as pain reliever, and advised her to rest for a couple of weeks to heal.